3 memoirs to provoke reflection

Chelsea Devantez, Cory Leadbeater and KB Brookins share powerful personal experiences that are sure to inspire this summer.
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Book jacket image for The Uptown Local by Cory Leadbeater

In The Uptown Local, Joan Didion’s assistant recounts his relationship with the iconic author, as well as his complex family history and obsession with death.

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Book jacket image for I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This by Chelsea Devantez

Comedy writer Chelsea Devantez romps through personal embarrassments, traumas and triumphs in her memoir, I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This.

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Book jacket image for Pretty by KB Brookins

As Texas threatens LGBTQ+ people with draconian laws, KB Brookins’ memoir, Pretty, is an act of resistance against those who would silence trans writers.

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