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Who doesn’t feel distracted these days? With the vast resources of the Internet in the palms of our hands via our smartphones, it’s so convenient to tune out the real world and tune in to the latest trending topic. What are we missing when our ability to focus becomes compromised?

Daniel Goleman asks that question in his new book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. He writes, “Life today seems ruled to a troubling degree by impulse; a flood of ads drives us, bottom-up, to desire a sea of goods and spend today without regard to how we will pay tomorrow.” However, he avoids a simple lecture in favor of an explanation of focus itself.

In lively prose, Goleman explores the circuitry of our brains, what happens to us physically when we concentrate and when we become distracted. He investigates the evolutionary roots of focus and asks if we are less focused now than we were decades ago. He also explains how the ability to focus helps us sense our own values, understand and empathize with others, find peace through meditation and even perceive threats. In later chapters, he expands the scope of his discussion to the topic of leadership. How do the best leaders among us pay attention, and what do they see? How do they help their organizations avoid distractions?

Goleman’s book is both an explanation of focus as well as a tool for improving it in our daily lives, unleashing creativity, living mindfully and leading strategically.

Who doesn’t feel distracted these days? With the vast resources of the Internet in the palms of our hands via our smartphones, it’s so convenient to tune out the real world and tune in to the latest trending topic. What are we missing when our ability to focus becomes compromised? Daniel Goleman asks that question […]

When Sergeant Vince Carter bellowed, “I can’t hear you!” to Private Gomer Pyle in the ’60s TV show “Gomer Pyle,” he wasn’t admitting that he was hard of hearing but making fun of Gomer’s hard-headedness. Today, however, “forty-eight million Americans, or 17 percent of the population, have some degree of hearing loss,” writes Katherine Bouton. “Nearly one in five people, across all age groups, has trouble understanding speech, and many cannot hear certain sounds at all.”

When she was 30, Bouton, former senior editor at the New York Times, joined this group of Americans when she suddenly lost her hearing in one ear. In Shouting Won’t Help, her deeply poignant book that is part memoir and part scientific study, she compellingly chronicles her own struggles with admitting and accepting the severity of her hearing loss. When she first experienced the roar of silence in her left ear, she ignored it; 10 years later, her hearing loss was serious enough to affect her daily life, and by the time she turned 60 she was functionally deaf.

Although Bouton searched for a clue to her sensorineural hearing loss, caused by a defect in the hair cells, doctors could not isolate a cause for the defect, and she slowly and reluctantly started to adjust to her hearing loss. Using her own experience as a starting point, Bouton explores the mechanics of hearing and the numerous ways it can be impaired; the causes of hearing loss, such as noise in restaurants, concerts, subways, airports; and the various conditions (heart disease, dementia, depression) associated with hearing loss. Bouton eventually had a cochlear implant placed in her left ear and now uses a hearing aid in the other ear, and she explores the advantages and the limitations of each technology. Each chapter also features short profiles of individuals, ranging from musicians and composers to nurses and medical publishers, who share their own experiences with a variety of levels of hearing loss and their attempts to come to terms with such loss.

Carefully researched and elegantly written, Bouton’s page-turning book issues a loud and clear call to find solutions to this disability that affects more people every day.

When Sergeant Vince Carter bellowed, “I can’t hear you!” to Private Gomer Pyle in the ’60s TV show “Gomer Pyle,” he wasn’t admitting that he was hard of hearing but making fun of Gomer’s hard-headedness. Today, however, “forty-eight million Americans, or 17 percent of the population, have some degree of hearing loss,” writes Katherine Bouton. […]
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As the 2010 Affordable Care Act marks its second anniversary this spring, the arguments about so-called Obamacare continue. Our overly complex—some say “broken”—healthcare system might function a lot better if every single American citizen, healthcare professional, politician and legislator would read Victoria Sweet’s insightful, beautifully written and moving book God’s Hotel.

When Dr. Sweet—now a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco—came to work at San Francisco’s old-fashioned, “low-tech” Laguna Honda Hospital, it was only for a few months. But she fell in love with the place and its patients, residents of America’s last almshouse, and stayed on for more than 20 years.

Laguna Honda, a public institution that cares long term for people with severe and debilitating medical conditions, the chronically ill and the dying, was originally modeled on the medieval European “hotel-Dieu” that ministered to the sick in the Middle Ages. Its unique layout, consisting of long, open wards, each functioning like a “separate minihospital,” was like nothing Sweet had ever seen. What hospital, she marveled, had an orchard and greenhouse, an aviary and a barnyard? Here, she found she could “practice medicine the way I’d been taught . . . and the way I wanted.”

As Sweet begins her practice of “slow medicine,” caring for a diverse population of patients with complicated and often horrible medical problems, she also studies pre-modern medicine, focusing on the work of medieval healer and monastic Hildegard of Bingen. The doctor, according to Hildegard’s doctrine, should be seen more as a gardener than as a mechanic: a healer who takes time to observe the body’s “garden”—with its natural cycles, functions and ability to heal itself. As she began applying this philosophy to her own work, Sweet learned that simply taking the time to talk with and observe a patient could effect profound solutions to terrible mental and physical suffering.

Yet God’s Hotel also offers a behind-the-scenes look at the politics and policies of the 21st-century healthcare model and its sometimes cold, clinical approach to providing care while keeping a constant eye on the bottom line. Indeed, the “old” Laguna Honda Hospital now is gone, replaced by a modern, new facility. “It was beautiful, but it wasn’t warm,” writes Sweet, regretting the loss of a place where she had “discovered the hospitality, community and charity that were in the walls and the air”: a place where she could “just sit” with patients and accept “the gift” of God’s Hotel.

As the 2010 Affordable Care Act marks its second anniversary this spring, the arguments about so-called Obamacare continue. Our overly complex—some say “broken”—healthcare system might function a lot better if every single American citizen, healthcare professional, politician and legislator would read Victoria Sweet’s insightful, beautifully written and moving book God’s Hotel. When Dr. Sweet—now a […]
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Dean Karnazes loves to run . . . and run . . . and run. In fact, the 26.2-mile marathons that represent the pinnacle of athletic achievement for many runners are for Karnazes a typical weekend workout. (Those curious about how he fits all that mileage into a busy life might want to read his first book, the best-selling Ultramarathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner.) In 2006, Karnazes took those workouts to an unprecedented, astonishing level via the Endurance 50. 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days – and How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance!, written with Matt Fitzgerald, is Karnazes’ recounting of the experience, plus training tips, nutrition advice and encouragement for athletes of all ability levels.

Karnazes writes that he is always seeking new challenges or, more specifically, “epic tests of endurance that sound totally impossible.” The idea for this latest endeavor popped into his head on a family vacation that, like many Karnazes family outings, included a road trip in a 27-foot RV and a long runs for the author. Three years later, in partnership with sponsor The North Face, a sports-centric retailer, it was a go: a road- and running-trip on a grand scale. The event consisted of 50 certified marathons of all types (pavement, trails, high elevation) and sizes (Karnazes ran with 38,000 runners in New York City, and just one in South Dakota) in each of the 50 states. He writes honestly about the delight and thankfulness he felt upon meeting the people who took the time to run with him – including then-governor Mike Huckabee – and about his frustrations and missteps, too.

The book includes detailed training schedules for runners interested in following in the author’s multimarathon footsteps, plus a plan for runners aiming for their very first marathon. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of 50/50, though, is that rare peek into the mindset and motivation of an extreme athlete . . . and wondering, along with him, what’s next.

Linda M. Castellitto writes (sometimes at her treadmill desk) from North Carolina.

Dean Karnazes loves to run . . . and run . . . and run. In fact, the 26.2-mile marathons that represent the pinnacle of athletic achievement for many runners are for Karnazes a typical weekend workout. (Those curious about how he fits all that mileage into a busy life might want to read his […]

Oprah calls him “America’s Doctor.” He has his own talk show. With Dr. Michael Roizen, he’s the author of the best-selling YOU series of health books, CDs and DVDs. Now, in YOU: Having a Baby, Dr. Mehmet Oz tackles pregnancy.

Unlike the pregnancy books that “tell you what to do,” YOU: Having a Baby seeks to “explain why.” This “ ‘just say know’ mantra” is the book’s strength. As in the other YOU books, Drs. Roizen and Oz make the science of the body clear, accessible and fascinating. The first five chapters alone contain more useful information about genetics, placentas, Rh factor, miscarriages and brain development than the entire pregnancy section at your neighborhood bookstore.

Alongside the science, YOU: Having a Baby provides the usual pregnancy advice. Pregnant women should sleep on their sides, exercise, gain a moderate amount of weight and talk to their babies in utero. There is a diet plan with recipes, a workout routine (with cutesy exercise names like “Car Seat Reaches” and “Soccer Mom”), descriptions of anesthesia options for labor and lists of what to purchase for your new baby and pack in your hospital bag.

What distinguishes these fairly straightforward pieces of advice is the book’s emphasis on the “cutting-edge field” of epigenetics, or how environment shapes the expression of genes. According to Drs. Roizen and Oz, a pregnant woman’s actions program the genes of her unborn child, determining everything from future weight to intelligence. This means that “your responsibility for creating a healthy environment for your offspring is bigger than you may have even thought.”

For some women, this exhortation will be reassuring; for others, it may feel burdensome and oppressive. But all women can certainly benefit from learning about how and why their bodies and babies experience the dramatic physical and mental developments of pregnancy and birth.

Rebecca Steinitz is a writer in Arlington, Massachusetts.

Oprah calls him “America’s Doctor.” He has his own talk show. With Dr. Michael Roizen, he’s the author of the best-selling YOU series of health books, CDs and DVDs. Now, in YOU: Having a Baby, Dr. Mehmet Oz tackles pregnancy. Unlike the pregnancy books that “tell you what to do,” YOU: Having a Baby seeks […]
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Kudos to filmmaker/author Kris Carr for her indefatigable courage and yeehaw! humor as she shares her experience with cancer in both a documentary film (Crazy Sexy Cancer) and companion book, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. A spunky cancer survival manual, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips is a practical, powerfully positive and in-your-face guide for younger women (from 20-somethings to women in their early 40s) who face a cancer diagnosis and are not about to let the C-word win.

In 2003, actress and party cowgirl Carr was feeling punk after a week of excess. She thought she’d sweat out her hangover in a yoga class; the next day she was breathless and in severe abdominal pain. A doctor’s visit revealed a rare, stage IV vascular cancer that had attacked her lungs and liver, making the latter look like Swiss cheese. Confronted with a slow-growing, apparently untreatable cancer, Carr heeded her doctor’s advice to strengthen her immune system through radical changes to diet and lifestyle. Says Carr, I quickly perked up. . . . Dr. Guru didn’t know it, but in that moment he planted the seeds for a personal revolution. Following a soulful foreword by cancer survivor/musician Sheryl Crow, eight relentlessly honest and cheerleading chapters (plus a comprehensive resource section) speak to women not as cancer victims, but as triumphant survivors. Covered are concerns from the emotional ( Holy shit! I have cancer, now what?), the nutritional and sexual ( Eat your veggies and Bandage or bondage ), to the practical ( Cancer college ). One dynamic thing that Carr did for her own healing was to form a posse, a group of women with cancer who made up her sassy support group/cancer stitch-and-bitch. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips includes their profiles and stories and reveals the heroic and compassionate ways in which they responded to and dealt with cancer, thereby graduating from cancer babes to cancer cowgirls.

Kudos to filmmaker/author Kris Carr for her indefatigable courage and yeehaw! humor as she shares her experience with cancer in both a documentary film (Crazy Sexy Cancer) and companion book, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. A spunky cancer survival manual, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips is a practical, powerfully positive and in-your-face guide for younger women (from […]

Ah, the New York City Marathon – it's the stuff of legend, from the sight of thousands upon thousands of people piling on to the Verrazano – Narrows Bridge to the personal dramas played out on the streets of Manhattan. In A Race Like No Other, Liz Robbins has created an engrossing, edifying and moving chronicle of a day in the life of the marathon and its participants. Mile by mile, runner by runner, she explores what it was like to participate in the 2007 race. Robbins has worked as a sportswriter for 17 years, the last nine at the New York Times, and she is a master of her craft: she deftly combines historical fact with creative interpretation, statistics and time – splits with detailed description.

She discusses the specifics of the race and explains logistics (Where do runners put their extra clothes and gear during the race? And, um, what's the bathroom situation?). Robbins describes the founding, history and changes to the race, and provides plenty of interesting tidbits – the marathon was founded in 1970, and 749,791 people have crossed the finish line since then; the 2007 race had 39,195 competitors, including Lance Armstrong and Katie Holmes.

But the author's focus isn't on celebrities; while she does follow elite runners like Martin Lel, a Kenyan who won the race in 2003 but wasn't able to run in the intervening years due to injury, she also introduces Pam Rickard, a recovering alcoholic who runs to regain her sense of self and forget her time in jail just one year prior, wheelchair athlete Edith Hunkeler and young cancer survivor Harrie Bakst. A Race Like No Other is a satisfying read for many reasons, not least because Robbins' writing is fluid and engaging, and she offers an unprecedented inside look at a storied event. But most of all, it's fascinating to learn what motivates the marathoners to keep running no matter what sort of walls they hit.

Linda M. Castellitto laces up her sneakers in North Carolina.

Ah, the New York City Marathon – it's the stuff of legend, from the sight of thousands upon thousands of people piling on to the Verrazano – Narrows Bridge to the personal dramas played out on the streets of Manhattan. In A Race Like No Other, Liz Robbins has created an engrossing, edifying and moving […]
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In Atul Gawande’s new book, Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, he asks: What things are health care professionals doing better, and how can they continue to improve? His first discussion involves one of the seemingly simplest methods of reducing infections in hospitals: hand washing. As he tours his hospital with an infectious disease specialist, Gawande realizes how difficult it can be for every person who enters a hospital room to wash their hands on their way in and on their way out. (Think, for instance, of how many rooms hospital workers enter each day.) Gawande is a master of setting scenes and drawing in readers with details and drama. He travels through villages in India with World Health Organization doctors on a mop-up mission to vaccinate millions of susceptible children in an area surrounding a new case of polio. In another essay, Gawande sits in on War Rounds at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, then examines how better trauma care is helping more soldiers survive life-threatening injuries. We meet a Boston physician who ended up suing his own hospital for malpractice. Gawande uses such personal stories as fodder for in-depth looks at the many facets of complicated issues such as malpractice, doctors’ salaries and more.

Gawande, a 2006 MacArthur Fellow, has a hefty resume: assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, frequent essayist for The New Yorker and author of the National Book Award finalist Complications. Gawande is one of the best medical writers working today, and this book’s short afterword should be required reading for any medical student.

Alice Cary lives near Boston and is an avid fan of medical dramas of every type.

In Atul Gawande’s new book, Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, he asks: What things are health care professionals doing better, and how can they continue to improve? His first discussion involves one of the seemingly simplest methods of reducing infections in hospitals: hand washing. As he tours his hospital with an infectious disease specialist, […]
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Ivy Ingram Larson was just 22 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Determined not to let the debilitating disease rule her life, she turned to a diet of whole foods and regular exercise. The medical student and childhood friend who helped her put together the plan, Andrew Larson, soon became her husband. Together they’ve built a healthy lifestyle that has kept her MS in check and the whole family healthy.

The Gold Coast Cure’s Fitter Firmer Faster Program virtually pulses with the enthusiasm of its authors, who lay out a sensible program combining eating well and fat-burning exercise. The bulk of the book consists of meticulously explained sample workouts combining strength and cardio, accompanied by how-to photographs, and a hefty section of recipes that seem deliciously out of place in a diet book: Spice-rubbed lamb kebobs with tahini sauce? Baja fish tacos? Sounds like a diet anyone could get behind.

Ivy Ingram Larson was just 22 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Determined not to let the debilitating disease rule her life, she turned to a diet of whole foods and regular exercise. The medical student and childhood friend who helped her put together the plan, Andrew Larson, soon became her husband. Together they’ve […]
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If exercising has turned into drudgery (and at this point, who isn’t a little sick of treadmills and free weights?), try injecting some fun into your workout with Elena Rover’s The Chelsea Piers Fitness Solution. An enormous New York City gym/sports complex with rock climbing walls, batting cages, boxing rings and skating rinks in one bustling locale, Chelsea Piers offers it all. Sounds great, you think, but I live in Santa Fe/Duluth/Seattle. What does this huge NYC gym have to do with my fitness regime? Plenty, as it turns out. Rover explains that while not everyone has access to one of the world’s largest gyms, everyone should vary his or her exercise plan to keep from becoming bored and discouraged by a stale routine. The author offers useful background information and tips on a wide variety of physical activities that should put newbies at ease as they try kayaking, snowboarding, golf or gymnastics. By detailing what kind of gear you’ll need for, say, snowshoeing or yoga, what to expect the first time you try it, and suggesting websites and books to learn more about each activity, Rover demystifies exercise and even makes it sound fun again.

If exercising has turned into drudgery (and at this point, who isn’t a little sick of treadmills and free weights?), try injecting some fun into your workout with Elena Rover’s The Chelsea Piers Fitness Solution. An enormous New York City gym/sports complex with rock climbing walls, batting cages, boxing rings and skating rinks in one […]
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<B>You’d better think</B> According to Brian Wansink, author of the fascinating, informative <B>Mindless Eating</B>, we make more than 200 decisions about eating every day. It’s no wonder Americans have such a love-hate relationship with our food.

Wansink, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, has made a career breaking down the phenomenon of mindless eating: We ignore serving sizes even when they’re printed right on the label. We gravitate toward name brands because we assume we are getting a better product. We roll through the drive-through for French fries even though we know a banana would be an infinitely healthier snack choice.

Why do we sabotage ourselves with reckless consumption? It’s easy to blame the food industry, but Wansink doesn’t cast blame there and urges readers not to, either. (He hears regularly from food-industry reporters writing conspiracy stories such as why Pop-Tarts come two to a package if a serving size is one. Does the Kellogg’s brand want us to become helplessly hooked on their toaster pastries? No, Wansink explains. It’s a simple issue of economics: It’s cheaper for the company to package two tarts together).

Instead, Wansink puts the onus on readers to be thoughtful consumers both at the store and at the table and offers sensible ways to do just that. We may not be able to outlaw every drive-through restaurant or tax every pint of ice cream in our community, he writes, but we can re-engineer our personal food environment to help us and our families eat better.

<B>You’d better think</B> According to Brian Wansink, author of the fascinating, informative <B>Mindless Eating</B>, we make more than 200 decisions about eating every day. It’s no wonder Americans have such a love-hate relationship with our food. Wansink, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, has made a career breaking down the phenomenon of […]
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Self Magazine's 15 Minutes to Your Best Self by Lucy Danzinger et al. presents multiple New Year's resolutions in one gorgeous little package. This brilliant compilation of 573 hip tips helps even the most harried but health-conscious woman catch up on topics like health, nutrition and fitness, style and beauty, happiness, sex, money, relationships and home by tackling them in tasks that only last from one to 15 minutes. Need to buy shoes for this summer's marathon but want to save time in the store? Wet the bottom of your foot, step on a paper towel and the imprint will tell you what kind of foot you have. Got another minute? Soothe morning moods, make your sex life brighter, figure out if you have a cold or allergies, and make even veggies healthier. Got three minutes? Become sun smart or find your ideal dog or yoga style. Ten minutes? Find the right winter boots. Fifteen minutes? Check for skin cancer and discover secret ways to save. The book also includes amusing to don't lists on various subjects and 10 things lists on topics from eating your way to slender happiness to looking stylish every time you leave the house.

If you've resolved to work more healthy foods into your lifestyle, get all the inspiration you need in 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life. This fascinating look at food as therapy is an A-Z guide to common nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains with uncommon powers. Author David Grotto, R.D. L.D.N., contributing writer to Prevention magazine and president of Nutrition Housecall, a family nutrition consulting firm, bases his research on ancient medicine and scientific studies. He reveals the history, lore and uses for super foods that have boosted health and helped heal diseases and chronic complaints for centuries, including avocado (helps decrease gingivitis), cherries (anti-inflammatory, relieves arthritis pain), cardamom (helps heal ulcers), cumin (more effective than some diabetes medications), sardines (more calcium than a glass of milk) and wasabi (shown to inhibit growth of breast cancer cells). Simple, healthful and imaginative recipes by guest chefs and nutritionists make it easy to incorporate the foods into daily meals, including Cranberry Pear Salad with Curried Hazelnuts, Spicy Japanese Mint Noodles, Steamed Artichokes with Lemon Wasabi Sauce and Carob-Walnut Cake. The book includes vitamin and mineral counts, buying and storage tips and fun facts that make remembering items you've previously overlooked at the supermarket easier.

Prevention magazine is must-reading for a healthy lifestyle, and their new Prevention's 3-2-1 Weight Loss Plan: Eat Your Favorite Foods to Cut Cravings, Improve Energy and Lose Weight is the right antidote to eating endless bowls of cabbage soup. Written by Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N. ('s nutrition and weight-loss expert and Self magazine's monthly weight-loss columnist and author of the best-selling Joy Bauer's Food Cures), the book contains dependable information, backed by scientific research, designed to help dieters adopt good nutrition principles for a lifetime and drop pounds without hunger or cravings. The 3-2-1 plan of three meals, two snacks and one sinfully delightful treat each day is presented in three phases: changing habits, losing weight and maintenance. Each phase has its own health and nutrition information that includes meal plans broken out by calories, treat and snack lists and dozens of healthful recipes, plus illustrated workout routines using a mat and dumbbells. Every aspect of achieving a healthy weight is covered, from why bother to how to keep it off, making the book an excellent companion for those longing to finally shed a lifetime of excuses, fads and excesses.

Celebrity trainers are a dime a dumbbell, but Steve Zim manages to put a Hollywood gloss on ordinary workout circuits in The 30-Minute Celebrity Makeover Miracle. Zim (6 Weeks to a Hollywood Body), is a fitness expert on the Weekend Today show, and runs a gym in Southern California, where everyone wants to be a star whether in the next box-office blockbuster or their own life. Our microwave culture calls for instant results, however, so Zim designed a combined cardio-weight training program that promises to raise metabolism, burn fat faster and sculpt muscles in just 30 minutes a day, three times a week for 10 weeks. Of course, you don't get Taye Diggs' biceps or Nicole Kidman's colt-like legs without some serious sweat and this program does require a huge dollop of dedication. Walking, marching and jogging phases blend intense workout circuits of strength training using dumbbells and a balance ball (illustrated with black-and-white photos) interspersed with cardio moves, and Zim also presents a brief but good nutrition plan. While those easing into activity could be discouraged by this program, Zim's promises of Hollywood looks on a mere mortal's schedule will certainly motivate those who find themselves in a fitness rut.

More than 40 percent of women ages 55-74 are unable to lift 10 pounds, according to celebrity trainer Kacy Duke (whose clients include Julianne Moore, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis and Gwen Stefani). That women accept this as a natural part of aging is B.S. according to Duke, who busts out the sistah moves to get self-esteem as well as weak muscles whipped into shape in The Show it Love Workout: Celebrate the Body You Have, Get the Body You Want, co-written with health and fitness writer Selene Yeager. Presenting her signature Woman Warrior Workout with its I Am, I Can, I Do philosophy, Duke's refreshingly up-front advice refashions a workout into a three-part boot camp for emotions, body image and diet, as well as physical self.

I Am looks at the power of the mind-body connection (Duke highlights a study that demonstrated merely thinking about exercising a muscle actually made it stronger). I Can gets the motivation mojo working and I Do focuses on movement after the mental foundation has been established. Pictures of Duke doing the workout moves appropriate for each stage (some brandishing a staff) are also included along with sensible nutrition advice (go on, call Dr. Godiva when needed) and some healthful recipes. The daily get through anything guide at the back keeps the newly-fit on track with short workouts for stressors like the post-baby blues, getting dumped or fired, having a bad day or feeling bored. The entire program can be done in a living room or the gym, and Duke excels at encouraging women to find what they love whether that's a treadmill, gymnastics or flamenco dancing and pushing beyond comfort to a new belief, motivation and strength.

Self Magazine's 15 Minutes to Your Best Self by Lucy Danzinger et al. presents multiple New Year's resolutions in one gorgeous little package. This brilliant compilation of 573 hip tips helps even the most harried but health-conscious woman catch up on topics like health, nutrition and fitness, style and beauty, happiness, sex, money, relationships and […]
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Doctors Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, the authors behind the phenomenally successful guide to the human body You: The Owner’s Manual, now turn their attention to nutrition in You: On a Diet. With their uncanny ability to easily explain the complexities of human biology, the good doctors present a commonsense, science-based diet and fitness plan (deemed waist management ) in their distinctive, lively way.

Roizen and Oz understand just how tough getting and staying in shape can be. When it comes to dieting, trying to whip fat with our weapon of willpower is the food equivalent to holding your breath under water, they write. You can do it for a while, but no matter how psyched up you get, at some point your body your biology forces you to the surface gasping for air. You: On a Diet mixes goofy-fun illustrations, suggested exercises and appealing recipes with in-depth explanations of everything from how your body processes food to the difference between healthy vs. bad fats. Roizen and Oz also uncover the chemistry behind emotional eating. Craving sugar, for example, may signal depression, while reaching for salty foods likely means a major case of stress. Armed with such useful information, the battle of the bulge may become a lot easier.

Doctors Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, the authors behind the phenomenally successful guide to the human body You: The Owner’s Manual, now turn their attention to nutrition in You: On a Diet. With their uncanny ability to easily explain the complexities of human biology, the good doctors present a commonsense, science-based diet and […]

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