Dudley Seth Danoff, MD

Behind the Book by

The seed for the creation of my book was planted in 1993 when a favorite patient of mine suggested that I write a populist book about male sexual health and held up a three-by-five card with his recommended title: “Penis Power.” This was back in the days before everyone used the internet, when Howard Stern could still shock listeners, and before Viagra ads appeared on primetime television.

At that time, having the word “penis” on the cover of a mainstream men’s health book was taboo. I pointed out to my publisher that the word “penis” accurately describes a body part. Asking me not to use that word would be like asking a cardiologist not to use the word “heart.” I shouted, “Get over it!” to no avail. 

What makes so many of us giggle or blush when the word “penis” is written or spoken? The fact that there is no logical explanation for these reactions propelled me, in part, to write The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health: How to Stay Vital at Any Age

"I want to help men and women who are misinformed or confused about the male body, as well as those who think they know everything but still have a lot to learn."

I have been a practicing urologic surgeon for more than 40 years, and my professional goal has been to cure what I call penis weakness (PW), a condition that plagues men (and their partners) at an alarming rate and is compounded by a misunderstanding of exactly what is going on in their bodies and brains. Unfortunately, men who have suffered from the self-doubt and anxiety caused by this condition have done so with shockingly little support from the medical community. 

My book addresses the malady directly and speaks to both men and women—to straight couples, gay couples and everyone in between. This book will give readers the skills and confidence to address most problems surrounding male genital health and sexual potency, setting the cornerstone of a personal sexual revolution. 

With the commercial success of major pharmaceutical drugs designed to aid erectile dysfunction, some of the significant issues of male sexual health have become part of our social consciousness. Yet many couples still deprive themselves of the complete sexual satisfaction they deserve. 

My goal is to help every man, and every woman in that man’s life, to not only learn the biological functions of the penis but to understand that it is much more than the condition of its blood vessels and nerves—it is an organ of expression. A man’s penis is what he thinks it is!

One of my objectives is to educate, but my book is not a medical textbook. Nothing in it is overly technical. My purpose is more practical: I want to help men and women who are misinformed or confused about the male body, as well as those who think they know everything but still have a lot to learn. 

Although this book is about male sexuality and male physiology, the principles presented will be helpful to all men and their wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends and partners. I want all readers to become experts on how the male genital system works, how and why it doesn’t work on occasion, and how to get it to work again for as long as possible.

A lot of information in my book will surprise you. Some of it may shock or outrage you. I firmly stand behind my observations with one purpose only: to end the plague of PW and the attendant cynicism, despair,and frustration. Often, a simple shift in attitude and an adjustment in behavior patterns can give us the confidence we need to achieve happiness in our sex life and ultimately in every aspect of who we are as human beings. 

The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health will elevate the mind, the heart and the spirit—not just the male apparatus. The man who has penis power is blessed, and so is the partner with whom he shares it.

Dudley Seth Danoff, MD, FACS, is the attending urologic surgeon and founder/president of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Tower Urology Group in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health: How to Stay Vital at Any Age, now available in an updated second edition.


Urologic surgeon Dudley Seth Danoff sets out to help men—and the women in their lives—understand what's going on in their bodies and brains in The Male Guide to Sexual Health.

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