Sloane Crosley

Sloane Crosley’s narration is frank and articulate in this memoir of loss, a perfect compliment to the wit and candor of her prose.

Sloane Crosley’s narration is frank and articulate in this memoir of loss, a perfect compliment to the wit and candor of her prose.

Novelist, essayist, humorist and critic Sloane Crosley shows a remarkable willingness to face the dark questions that follow a suicide.

Novelist, essayist, humorist and critic Sloane Crosley shows a remarkable willingness to face the dark questions that follow a suicide.

In her second novel, Cult Classic, Sloane Crosley wields language like a rapier, slicing off onion layers of self-delusion and self-doubt to find even more layers underneath.

In her second novel, Cult Classic, Sloane Crosley wields language like a rapier, slicing off onion layers of self-delusion and self-doubt to find even more layers underneath.

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