Perry Firekeeper-Birch wants nothing more than a relaxing summer, but when she’s forced into an internship, she discovers that a state college is using legal loopholes to withhold Anishinaabe ancestral remains. She rounds up family, friends and fellow interns to pull off a daring heist—but there may be more to the conflict than meets the eye. In Warrior Girl Unearthed (11.5 hours), Angeline Boulley expands on her bestselling debut novel, Firekeeper’s Daughter, with a deep and layered mystery.

Actor Isabella Star LaBlanc, a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota tribal nation who lent her voice to Firekeeper’s Daughter, also narrates Warrior Girl Unearthed. She excels at leading the reader deeper into the story with a tone that exudes both intriguing mystery and genuine emotion. LaBlanc’s narration helps us hear Perry’s wit and snark, her sister Pauline’s anxious perfectionism and her supervisor Cooper Turtle’s wistful wisdom. From heart-pounding to heart-wrenching moments—and the quotidian in between—LaBlanc’s lyrical performance is both smooth and striking, making it a compelling listen for all who enjoy a good mystery.

Read our interview with Isabella Star LaBlanc on her performance in Warrior Girl Unearthed.