


A Letter to the Luminous Deep

A whimsical yet emotional fantasy, Sylvie Cathrall’s A Letter to the Luminous Deep is a delightful, oceanic twist on epistolary romances and dark academia.

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Review of ‘A Letter to the Luminous Deep’

Sylvie Cathrall’s A Letter to the Luminous Deep is a poignant epistolary adventure set in an underwater landscape filled with academics, explorers and artists. Through letters, log entries and other documents, various narrators describe their society, their passions, their families and, most importantly, the mysterious disappearances of eloquent recluse E. Cidnosin and the socially anxious…

Featuring ‘A Letter to the Luminous Deep’

3 spellbinding cozy fantasies
A bucolic island, a dazzling underwater world and an alpine tea shop beckon to readers in search of charming magical retreats.

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