Stephanie, Associate Editor

Banish the I’m-Bored Blues from your house with this smorgasbord of activities drawn directly from the pages of some of BookPage’s favorite picture books!

Every month, experienced teacher and children’s librarian Emmie Stuart offers Tips for Teachers, a column of book recommendations accompanied by guides for classroom teachers. Now that homes have become classrooms, BookPage children’s and YA editor Stephanie Appell has selected the most at-home-friendly suggestions from the Tips for Teachers archive to help parent-teachers organize educational, boredom-busting activities with supplies readily available around the house.

A Ride to Remember
written by Sharon Langley and Amy Nathan, illustrated by Floyd Cooper

Sharon Langley tells the story of her first ride on a carousel in a park that she and her family helped to desegregate. The Gwynne Oak Amusement Park carousel, renamed the Carousel on the Mall, was installed on Washington’s National Mall in 1981. Using Google Earth, show children the carousel. Ask, “Why is this carousel so important that it is deserves a place along the National Mall?” Guide them to the idea that historical objects are valuable and special because of what they symbolize. The carousel itself is just painted wooden horses, but it serves as a reminder of the our Civil Rights journey. It is a tangible representation of the idea that equality means “nobody first and nobody last, everyone equal, having fun together.” Show children other historical objects that are significant for what they represent. Using the Smithsonian’s online collection, we looked at the Greensboro lunch counter and a broken bus window and discussed what these objects represented in the fight for Civil Rights.

It Began With a Page: How Gyo Fujikawa Drew the Way
written by Kyo Maclear, illustrated by Julie Morstad

Children’s book author-illustrator Gyo Fujikawa faced many challenges. In school, Gyo Fujikawa often felt invisible; when her family was sent to an internment camp, her heart was broken. At first, she was so sad that she could not draw, but eventually she began to take comfort in color. Color lifted her spirit, and she wondered, “Could art comfort and lift others too?” Allow time for children to think and journal about a time when they felt invisible, worried, anxious or sad. Come back together and discuss strategies for working through these hard feelings. Ask another question: “What comforts and lifts you when the world feels gray?” For many children (and adults), expressing feelings through a creative project can be a comforting and healthy way of processing emotions. Provide art supplies and let children get lost in a creative project.

Paper Son: The Inspiring Story of Tyrus Wong, Immigrant and Artist
written by Julie Leung, illustrated by Chris Sasaki

Tyrus Wong immigrated from China as a young boy and grew up to become an artist who worked at Walt Disney Studios. Wong attended art school in Los Angeles and studied artwork from China’s Song dynasty. Combining Western and Eastern styles and influences in his painting allowed him to offer a unique artistic perspective to Bambi. Enlarge a few landscape paintings from the Song Dynasty. Give children time to study them and write down or orally share their observations. Then compare the paintings with stills from Walt Disney’s Bambi, or screen the film together as a family. Invite children to share how they think the Song Dynasty paintings influenced Wong’s work in Bambi.

Hi, I’m Norman: The Story of American Illustrator Norman Rockwell
written by Robert Burleigh, illustrated by Wendell Minor

Hi, I’m Norman is a solid introduction to one of America’s most recognized and beloved illustrators. In the book, Rockwell explains, “Doing covers is doubly hard because a cover has to tell the whole story in just one picture.” Give children time to share or journal about a humorous or meaningful small moment from their life. Can they tell this story through a single illustration? After they have had time to experiment, brainstorm and doodle, provide blank white paper or a Saturday Evening Post template and let them illustrate their story.

The Hike
by Alison Farrell

Best friends Wren, El and Hattie hike together and learn that the joy really is in the journey. As author-illustrator Alison Farrell mentioned in this interview, at the heart of her book are some lines from a Mary Oliver poem, “Sometimes.”

Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.

Write these lines on a big sheet of paper and let children share their interpretations. Ask, “Do you do this?” and “What does Mary Oliver mean when she says, ‘Pay attention?’’ When we did this in the classroom, I showed my students this Norman Rockwell painting and this photograph; the two images prompted a cacophony of indignant and incredulous responses! Give children time to copy the lines (goodness, children still need handwriting and fine motor skills!) onto an index card. Their assignment is to “Pay attention,” “be astonished” and decide how they will “tell about it.” This exercise gave me new insights into each child’s individual personality, not only because of what astonished them but also through the way they chose to tell about it. Song lyrics, watercolor paintings, digital presentations and Lego creations are just a sampling of the ways my students communicated their astonishments.

Tiny, Perfect Things
written by M.H. Clark, illustrated by Madeline Kloepper

A young girl and her grandfather walk around their neighborhood and notice the small splendors that surround them. Read the book once through, then read it again and record each of the tiny, perfect things that the little girl noticed on her walk. In the classroom, I wrote each item on an index card and used magnets to stick them on the white board, but you could stick your notes on a refrigerator or bulletin board. Let children determine categories, then divide the items into the appropriate categories. Animals/nature/people was the first (and most obvious) category, but with encouragement, children will expand their thinking. My students recategorized items into living/nonliving, singular/plural, and red/not red; what categories will you create?

My Papi Has a Motorcycle
written by Isabel Quintero, illustrated by Zeke Peña

Daisy cherishes her motorcycle rides with Papa. Ask children to reflect on a ritual or tradition they share with a special person. Invite them to write a narrative explaining the tradition. Walk them through a sensory writing exercise and encourage them to address all five senses in their writing. What are the sights, smells, sounds, tastes and textures of their special memory? After they have crafted their narrative, let them use various art supplies to illustrate their memory.

This is My Eye: A New York Story
by Neela Vaswani

Neela Vaswani’s story of a young girl living in New York City is told with photographs “taken” from the girl’s perspective. Write the phrase, “It’s not what you look at, it’s what you see” on a big piece of paper. Give children time to think about the meaning and then read the book again. Go on a walk around your house, and let children use the camera app on your phone (or a camera, if you have one). Their mission is to take 10 photographs while keeping the phrase “it’s what you see” in mind. When you’re finished, give them time to write sentences to go along with their photographs. When you’re able, you can extend this project by asking children to take photographs in the local community.

by Yuyi Morales

When author and illustrator Yuyi Morales and her infant son migrate to the United States, the library becomes like a second home for them. My students loved identifying the familiar picture books that Morales includes in her illustrations. In the back of the book, she includes a list of “Books That Inspired Me (and Still Do).” Gather some books that have influenced your life. Hold each one up and explain why and how it influenced/es your life. Challenge children to make a similar list. Give them a few days to think about their books. My students and I created life timelines, drawing and labeling our books at the specific points when they first influenced us.

Zola’s Elephant
by Randall de Séve, illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski

A new girl named Zola moves in next door, and the narrator is convinced that inside her big box is an elephant. At the end of the book, one of my nonfiction-loving students inquired, “How big of a box do you need to move a real elephant?” I didn’t have an immediate answer, but I was delighted to discover this article by the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute. It covers all the fascinating transportation details that were required to move an elephant from the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C., to the Calgary Zoo in Calgary, Alberta. We looked at photographs of the journey and even did a few math equations with the details provided. Afterward, we watched a video of an elephant being transported from a conservatory to a wildlife compound.

Banish the I’m-Bored Blues from your house with this smorgasbord of activities drawn directly from the pages of some of BookPage’s favorite picture books! Every month, experienced teacher and children’s librarian Emmie Stuart offers Tips for Teachers, a column of book recommendations accompanied by guides for classroom teachers. Now that homes have become classrooms, BookPage […]

Young detective Myrtle Hardcastle is on the case once more in Elizabeth C. Bunce’s How to Get Away With Myrtle, the next book about the intrepid sleuth after Premeditated Myrtle, which BookPage called “a book young readers will love and adults may well sneak out of backpacks and off of nightstands for their own enjoyment” in a starred review.

How to Get Away With Myrtle finds Myrtle reluctantly joining her Aunt Helena on a trip to the English seaside, though Myrtle would much rather be at home, where she can keep tabs on More Important Things like local criminals and murder trials. But since she has no say in the matter, Myrtle finds herself shipped off on an admittedly fabulous private train coach, along with her faithful governess and her cat, Peony.

Once on board, Myrtle is excited to discover that one of her fellow passengers is Mrs. Bloom, an insurance investigator tasked with protecting a priceless tiara. But when both Mrs. Bloom and the tiara vanish, and Myrtle discovers a dead body in the baggage car, the trip is quickly derailed. Surrounded by the ineptitude of the local police force and stranded in a backwater carnival town, Myrtle has no choice but to follow the evidence to uncover which of her fellow passengers is a thief and a murderer.

How to Get Away With Myrtle will hit shelves at bookstores and libraries everywhere on Oct. 6, 2020—the same day as Premeditated Myrtle!—but you can see the gorgeous cover, illustrated by Bret Helquist, and read an exclusive excerpt right now. Just scroll down!

Chapter 1: Extradition

“Just as no scientific or military expedition would set off without adequate supplies, equipment, and reconnaissance, the same is no less important for leisure travel.”—Hardcastle’s Practical Travel Companion: A Compendium of Useful Advice & Select Destinations of Note for the Modern Tourist, Vol. I, 1893

“Think of it as an academic exercise.” Miss Judson, my governess, dropped another armload of chemisettes onto the bed. Peony let out a mew of protest and sought refuge in the trunk.

“In what discipline?” I surreptitiously withdrew two petticoats from my luggage, replacing them with the latest edition of English Law Reports and three volumes of my encyclopædia. Taking the whole set seemed excessive, but I could not be sure Fairhaven would have a bookshop or a lending library. The Brochure had not specified.

“Put that middy* back,” Miss Judson said. “Aunt Helena will expect to see you in it. And discipline is exactly right. You and I shall be practicing our Exceptional Forbearance.”

“I thought we were going to frolic on sunny beaches and partake of Family Amusements.” The Brochure had likewise not specified what, precisely, a “Family Amusement” entailed, but I suspected nothing good. “Besides, that dress is ridiculous! I’m not a naval recruit.”

I felt like one, though, press-ganged into a Seaside Holiday by ruthless schemers who were entirely unsympathetic to my objections.

Miss Judson retrieved the garment and folded it anew. “We have been over this. Your aunt wants to take you on holiday—”

“No, she doesn’t.”

Myrtle. You have exhausted your appeals. Accept your sentence gracefully.” As soon as she said that, I could tell she wanted to take the words back.

“My sentence?” I cried. “I am being punished.” I threw down the heap of petticoats.

“Of course you’re not,” said Miss Judson. “Stop getting carried away.”

“What happened this summer wasn’t my fault! Father told me that himself.” Arms crossed, I willed Miss Judson to prove me wrong.

“He meant it. This holiday is to get away from all of that—”

“Father went all the way to Paris to get away from me.”

Miss Judson turned me to face her. “You may not believe this, but your father just wants you to have a good time—”

“I’d have a good time in Paris. With him.”

“—doing something that does not involve murder.”

I glowered at her. “An ordinary holiday. Like an ordinary girl.”

“Exactly. I’m sure you can manage that. Rumor has it you’re clever and resourceful.”

She plucked the Ballingall Excursions brochure from my hands and slipped it into my valise. “Finish packing. We’re going to miss the train. Be downstairs in fifteen minutes, and if that hat is not on your head when you appear, I shall make you sit next to Aunt Helena for the entire trip.”

She would, too. Peony offered a little warble of sympathy.

Defeated, I beheld the sea of garments before me. My great aunt Helena had been sending shipments of new clothes for weeks. My Holiday Wardrobe was now three times the size of my regular wardrobe, and included the aforementioned sailor suit (for yachting), a Promenade Ensemble (for walking), a Walking Dress (for . . . ?), and a perfectly horrifying bathing costume, of which no further mention shall be made, for the protection of the Reader’s delicate sensibilities.

“Exceptional Forbearance, indeed,” I said to Peony. “Assuming I don’t die of boredom.” I hadn’t yet seen a case that could reliably cite Tedium as a cause of death—but if I had to be the first case study, at least the holiday wouldn’t be a complete waste of time.

“Mrrow,” Peony agreed.

“It’s all very well for you,” I said. “You’ll be here with your sunbeams and your fish heads and Cook.” With a final wretched sigh, I picked up The Hat—the crowning humiliation, quite literally, of this ordeal. With its enormous puce bow, tiny velvet pumpkins, and sprig of dried wheat, it looked like a rotting autumnal meadow. All it lacked was a couple of flesh-eating beetles.

Peony hissed and swatted at the ribbon.

I beheld Peony. I beheld the hat. I beheld my trunk crammed full of holiday clothes and not nearly enough books. Peony beheld them as well.

No,” she said, firmly.

“If I have to do this, so do you.” I scooped her up and dropped her unceremoniously into the hatbox, along with a nice flannel petticoat and a leftover biscuit. Before closing the trunk, I defiantly tossed in my magnifying lens, slingshot, and a sturdy pair of Wellies that may or may not still have been wet from earlier. The hat, like a martyr, I wore.

* a garment inexplicably fashioned after a midshipman’s uniform; id est, a sailor suit

† named for the French word for flea, the flattering hue of digested blood

Lest you fear for her safety, she had been sleeping in that hatbox for the better part of the week, and it was quite the latest in hatbox engineering, sturdy pasteboard and mesh, so there was perfectly adequate oxygen.

This excerpt is reprinted courtesy of Algonquin Young Readers.

Young detective Myrtle Hardcastle is on the case once more in Elizabeth C. Bunce’s How to Get Away With Myrtle, the next book about the intrepid sleuth after Premeditated Myrtle, which BookPage called “a book young readers will love and adults may well sneak out of backpacks and off of nightstands for their own enjoyment” […]

In Stay With Me, Jessica Cunsolo continues the dramatic, romantic story begun in her gripping debut novel, She’s With Me.

Amelia Collins has finally found happiness and acceptance with Aiden Parker, but leaving their pasts behind may not be so easy, as new threats emerge. When Aidan is wrongfully accused of a terrible crime, putting his entire family at risk, Amelia is faced with a battle of her own: telling Aiden she needs to leave. Amelia and her friends escape the chaos and uncertainty of their lives in King City and flee to a beach house, hoping to delay the inevitability of what awaits them for just a little longer. But it’s only a matter of time before secrets are revealed and Aiden discovers the horrible truth about the man pursuing Amelia.

Amelia knows she can’t escape her past, her painful memories or the killer’s fixation with her. Every day she tries is another day that puts her friends in harm’s way, and that's not a price she’s willing to pay. Overwhelmed by love but haunted by fear, Amelia is faced with an impossible choice. Is staying with the man she loves worth risking his life?

Stay With Me will hit shelves at bookstores and libraries everywhere on Dec. 1, 2020 (preorder your copy by clicking here). Scroll down to see the swoonworthy cover and read an exclusive excerpt.


Sometimes life likes to laugh at you.

I guess things get boring to watch every once in a while, so life goes, “Hey, why don’t we mess around with her a bit? Don’t you think that’ll be funny?”

And then life’s friends, drama, pain, uncertainty and unfortunate events, go: “Yeah, dude! We got your back. Watch the shitstorm we can cause.”

And then they all get to work, inserting themselves into your life, stirring up the pot, and then they sit around with a cold beer clutched in their hands and some boxes of pizza shared between them and they laugh and laugh and laugh at you.

At least, that’s how I think it happens, because sometimes it seems like my life is just one long episode of let’s see how we can screw with Amelia today.

There’s a man out there intent on murdering me. This man has hurt and killed other people in the name of getting revenge on me. And I have the world’s biggest crush on someone I know I can never be with, who just discovered that he was being lied to and deceived from the start, and who was just arrested.

Aiden was just arrested.

The police said he murdered his stepfather, Greg.

But Aiden is not a murderer; he’s not capable of doing something like that. 

Or is he?

He’s a fierce protector of those he loves, and he’s been worried about Greg harming his brothers ever since he learned Greg was being released from prison. I know he would do anything to protect his brothers. . . . but murder?

Aiden hates Greg with a burning passion—I’m pretty sure he did abuse Aiden as a child, after all—but I can’t see Aiden taking his life then coming over to my house to watch movies like it was just any other day.

Why would the police think Aiden did it? He was at my house all night, and he was with Mason before that. . . . wasn’t he? When did Greg die anyway? He’s been out of prison for a couple of weeks; wouldn’t he want to spend some time with his son, Ryan, and not bother with Aiden?


I wonder if Aiden’s stepbrother has heard about the death of his father. I wonder if he’s heard Aiden was just arrested for Greg’s murder. Ryan already hates Aiden just for being Aiden; I don’t even want to know what he’ll do if he thinks Aiden is responsible for the death of his father.

We haven’t been told anything, as the only interaction between us and the officers has been them occasionally glaring at us for taking up practically the entire waiting area at the police station.

After Aiden was arrested, Julian, Mason and Annalisa picked up the twins from their friend’s house like Aiden asked and took them to Julian’s house for his mom to watch. Everyone else went to the police station, and Julian showed up a bit later with Annalisa and his father, Vince.

Julian practically grew up with Aiden, so it makes sense that Julian would go to his dad—who’s probably known Aiden since he was a kid—for help. Plus, it’s not like Aiden really has any other adult to turn to.

Vince is tall like Julian, with broad shoulders and a stern face, and there’s a commanding presence about him that gives him an air of authority.

A bit after Vince showed up, Mason arrived with his dad, Brian. The adults went to talk to the police about Aiden while the rest of us sat worriedly in the tiny reception area.

Brian has dark hair and tanned olive skin like his son, but is a bit shorter than Mason. I can tell where Mason gets his looks from, but Brian’s dark eyes lack that certain spark of mischief that Mason’s often hold—but then again, perhaps this isn’t quite the right situation for him to be happy about.

As Brian and Vince talk to the officers, I can tell Brian is getting frustrated by the way he runs his hand through his hair like I’ve noticed Mason does, the gold wedding band sparkling brightly in comparison to his dark hair. I just hope they can work out whatever’s going on and get Aiden out of here as soon as possible.

After a while, Vince is led by some officers to the back, and Brian comes to sit with us.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Mason asks impatiently.

“They have Aiden in holding right now. He’s still a few weeks shy of 18 so they can’t question him without the presence of an appropriate adult, which I guess would be either Vince or me,” Brian explains, pulling out his phone and going through some contacts.

“But they can’t question him without a lawyer! Shouldn’t we be getting him a lawyer?!” Annalisa exclaims, more agitated than she usually is.

“He doesn’t need a lawyer because he didn’t do anything!” Noah defends Aiden. “He has, like, seven witnesses! Eight if you count the guy working the counter at the pizza place!”

Brian ignores Noah and stands up. “I’m calling a lawyer now. Hopefully he’ll be here soon.”

And with that, Brian walks away to find a quiet place to make his phone call, leaving the rest of us to our unproductive worrying.

A half hour later, a professional-looking man in a pressed suit enters the police station, and Brian gets up to shake his hand. They talk to some officers, who hustle the man I’m assuming is Aiden’s lawyer into the back room.

Charlotte is sitting beside Chase, and they’re talking in hushed tones between themselves. Annalisa is looking around the police station, glaring everyone down and looking like she’s trying very hard not to punch anyone who looks at her the wrong way.

Julian’s sitting beside her, talking to Mason and Brian about what could possibly happen to Aiden and what’s going on back there.

Noah’s beside me, his foot rapidly and incessantly tapping the floor in an anxious manner, the sound slowly driving me crazy.

I’m just sitting in the uncomfortable chair, incapable of doing anything except try really hard to ignore the pit of anxiety and worry building up in my stomach.

After a while, my irritability and stress come to a breaking point and I instinctively slap my hand on Noah’s thigh, effectively stopping the incessant tapping.

“NOAH,” I snap.

Noah glances at my hand still on his thigh, preventing him from continuing the repetitive anxious tapping. “I know I’m irresistible, Amelia, but now is not the time or place to get frisky.”

I remove my hand and roll my eyes at him, in no mood for his Noah-ness at this highly stressful moment.

I just don’t know what’s taking so long. Aiden didn’t do anything, so this all should’ve been sorted out already. Right?

After a while, Charlotte’s strict parents start calling, so her older brother comes to pick her and Chase up, who has his own worried parents to get home to. We promise we’ll keep them both updated.

It must have been an hour or two later when the lawyer and Vince come back out, unfortunately without Aiden.

Brian goes over to talk to the other men, and we all sit up more attentively, straining to hear what they’re saying. They talk for a while with some other officers, and then the lawyer and Brian leave with two other police officers, leaving us all staring after them, confused.

Vince heads over to us, looking tired but less frustrated, which I hope is a good thing. We all stand up as he approaches, ready to question him about what’s going on.

Excerpt reprinted courtesy of Wattpad Books.

Stay With Me will hit shelves at bookstores and libraries everywhere on Dec. 1, 2020. See the swoonworthy cover and read an exclusive excerpt.

With each changing season, one truth remains: No matter the weather, it’s always a good day for a book. Autumn’s chill is the perfect companion to a hot cuppa—and a book. Howling winter winds hustle us inside to bundle ourselves in nests of blankets—next to a big old stack of books. Spring brings picnics, and what’s better than sprawling in the sun with—of course—a book?

But for a bookworm, there’s nothing quite like summer’s long, lazy days for hours of reading. Here are the YA books we’re most looking forward to discovering this summer.

Shop our full list of summer’s most anticipated YA books here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
Balzer + Bray | May 5

There are books published during the summer, and then there are summer books, and Felix Ever After is the quintessential summer book. I recommend setting aside an afternoon on a slightly too-warm sunny day; it’ll be perfect under the shade of your favorite tree. Felix captured my heart from the first page, and though I’m not often a reader left wanting more by novels designed to stand alone, I’d read more book about Felix and his friends in a heartbeat.

Last Girls by Demetra Brodsky
TorTeen | May 5

Feeling a desire to lean into this summer’s uncertainty and upheaval? Pick up Demetra Brodsky's taut debut novel, Last Girls, the story of sisters who live together on a survivalist compound who discover that the danger they’ve been preparing for might be right in their backyard.

Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Knopf | May 5

Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff have written some of the most rip-roaring, page-turning science fiction in YA over the past few years, first with their Illuminae trilogy, each volume of which kept yours truly up WAY past her bedtime, and now with the Aurora Cycle. This second entry, Aurora Burning, sees the squad return to battle new evils, discover new powers and maybe even save the galaxy. I trust these two master storytellers to take me to the edge of the universe—they’re just that good.

The Betrothed by Kiera Cass
HarperTeen | May 5

Kiera Cass fans have waited four long years for a new book, but the wait ends this summer with the release of The Betrothed, the first in a brand-new duology about a young king who thought he’d never settle down and the girl who catches his eye and captures his heart.

Forged in Fire and Stars by Andrea Robertson
Philomel | May 5

A decade ago, Andrea Robertson (then publishing under the name Andrea Cremer) wrote some of the most successful and enjoyable books during the paranormal fiction craze sparked by Twilight, beginning with 2010’s Nightshade. Thankfully, Robertson will make her long-awaited return to shelves—and tackle a new genre, high fantasy—with Forged in Fire and Stars, a thrilling tale about a girl struggling with the fate she’s inherited in a world she thought she knew.

By the Book by Amanda Sellet
HMH | May 12

OK, bookworms, listen up. I know your TBR is already taller than your head, but I need you to add a title to the top of the stack. Amanda Sellet’s debut may just be the most charming thing you’ll read all summer. I guarantee that while reading it, you will pause at least once and think, “Did Amanda Sellet write this book specifically for me?” This fish-out-of-water story about a girl who diagnoses her friends’ romantic woes using lessons learned from classic literature had me cackling out loud within 30 pages. If that doesn’t sound like a good time to my fellow bibliophiles, then maybe you need to check to see whether your library card has expired.

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Amanda Sellet assists literature’s worst boyfriends in telling their sides of the story.

The Fascinators by Andrew Eliopulos
Quill Tree | May 12

Andrew Eliopulos is, by day, a senior editor at HarperCollins Children’s Books, and it shows in the economy of his prose, the efficiency of his pacing and the effortlessness of his characters. But his new book, which is also his first YA novel, isn’t on this list for any of those reasons. It’s on here because I can’t think of another YA book like it, and I read hundreds of YA books every year. If you added the contemporary-setting-but-magic-is-real of Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On to Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle’s rural mysticism, then tossed in some of Becky Albertalli’s heartfelt teenage friend-group dynamics, you’d get close to The Fascinators. That little something extra is all Eliopulos, and if he comes up with something this good on his first try, I can’t wait to see where he goes next.

We Are Not From Here by Jenny Torres Sanchez
Philomel | May 19

Seasoned novelist Jenny Torres Sanchez, the author of five previous YA books, turns her attention to a story of three teens who must flee Guatemala and make their way north. We Are Not From Here took my breath away for two reasons: first, because of the gut-wrenching story Sanchez tells, and second, because her writing is so beautiful as to be almost blinding. In the novel's opening scene, one of the characters reflects on her mother telling her she has an artist’s heart. Sanchez has a poet’s heart, and it shows on every page.

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Jenny Torres Sanchez explains why the stakes of We Are Not From Here are personal.

Camp by L.C. Rosen
Little, Brown | May 26

Whether you’re sleeping in your camp cabin bunk, a tent in the woods or your bed at home, you’ll want to keep a copy of this hilarious and heartwarming book close by. Set at a camp for queer teens, it’s the story of Randy, who’s had a crush on Hudson for years. He decides that this will be the year he reinvents himself and finally catches Hudson’s eye. Can you really fall for someone if you’re pretending to be someone else? Camp explores big, messy questions about identity, sexuality and love, and Randy quickly earned a standing ovation from me.

The Paper Girl of Paris by Jordyn Taylor
HarperTeen | May 26

Escape to Paris this summer with Jordyn Taylor’s debut novel, which unspools in two timelines. In the first, Alice spends the summer going through an apartment left behind by her recently deceased grandmother—an apartment no one in Alice’s family knew existed. In the second, Alice’s grandmother, Adalyn, is swept up with the Resistance when the Nazis occupy her beloved Paris. Inspired by true events, The Paper Girl of Paris is a lush and romantic work of historical fiction that’s totally transporting.

Parachutes by Kelly Yang
Katherine Tegen | May 26

Kelly Yang’s first book, the middle grade novel Front Desk, made waves when it was published two years ago, hitting bestseller lists and receiving numerous awards and accolades, including the Asian/Pacific American Award for children’s literature. Yang will publish a sequel to Front Desk later this fall, but summer sees her try her hand at YA—and maintain her perfect batting average. Parachutes gets its title from a slang term for wealthy Chinese teenagers who attend American high schools in the hopes of earning admission to an American college and, ultimately, a brighter future. It follows the parallel stories of one such girl and the American girl whose family hosts her.

Out Now: Queer We Go Again! edited by Saundra Mitchell
Inkyard | May 26

On hot summer afternoons, sometimes a novel is just too much; you find yourself wanting your fiction bite-size, in a picnic-basket portion. Saundra Mitchell’s latest anthology, Out Now, is perfect for this scenario. A follow-up to 2018’s must-read All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages, Out Now shifts its focus to stories set in the present but keeps All Out’s track record of a contributor list that reads like a who’s who of the best writers working in YA today, including Fox Benwell, Katherine Locke, Mark Oshiro, Tara Sim and more.

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Celebrate all the ways love keeps winning with a Pride parade for your bookshelf!

Where We Go From Here by Lucas Rocha, translated by Larissa Helena
Push | June 2

The American young adult book market is remarkably, well, American. Unlike other segments of the market (notably, picture books, where you’re far more likely to find imported or translated books and publishers dedicated to bringing them to American shelves, as well as authors and illustrators who live and work outside the United States), YA tends to stay close to home. Here’s hoping 2020 is the year that changes and that Brazilian author Lucas Rocha’s Where We Go From Here, the story of three friends whose lives are changed forever by HIV, is the spark that ignites the flame.

The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant
Knopf | June 2

If you’ve ever read, watched or listened to Les Miserables and thought, “This is great, but what this story really needs is MAGIC,” well, debut author Kester Grant has a book for you. Actually, The Court of Miracles is the first in a planned trilogy, so you won’t have to dream your dream on your own anymore.

Again Again by E. Lockhart
Delacorte | June 2

E. Lockhart won my reader’s heart more than a decade ago with The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, her award-winning book that I can only describe as the funniest feminist novel I’ve ever read. Not one of Lockhart’s books is ever quite like another. Her prose and storytelling ability are unparalleled in YA; she guides readers through her narratives like a masterful, seasoned director guides the viewer’s eye in a film. At this point, I want to read every story she decides to tell.

The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson
HarperTeen | June 2

Readers who loved Casey McQuiston’s Red, White & Royal Blue and Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed’s Yes No Maybe So won’t want to miss The State of Us, in which the sons of rival presidential candidates fall in love as their parents campaign against each other. Shaun David Hutchinson: giving YA readers everywhere the book they didn’t know they always wanted.

A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by Roseanne A. Brown
Balzer + Bray | June 2

Confession time: If reading books weren’t my job, I would read almost entirely fantasy (for all ages, from middle grade to adult). I discovered the uniquely transporting magic of Narnia and Tortall at a formative age, and that was that; I was like a baby bird who imprinted on Tamora Pierce, Susan Cooper, Lloyd Alexander and more. So when I tell you that Roseanne A. Brown’s A Song of Wraiths and Ruin is one of the strongest debut YA fantasy books I’ve read all year, you know that I understand what a magical thing a good fantasy novel can be. Frankly, if you put this book in my hands and told me it was Brown’s 20th novel, I would believe you—that’s how utterly absorbing it is.

Burn by Patrick Ness
Quill Tree | June 2

By this point, I think Patrick Ness is an author whose books you either know and love, or whose books you just haven’t read yet. Longtime fans and newcomers alike won’t want to miss Burn, which, aside from being a characteristically rollicking good book, features maybe the best opening sentence I’ve read all year.

Agnes at the End of the World by Kelly McWilliams
Little, Brown | June 9

Author Kelly McWilliams received a mentorship from We Need Diverse Books in support of her debut novel, Agnes at the End of the World, and you’ll only need to read a few pages to quickly see why: It’s one of summer's most self-assured debuts. Readers looking for escapist fare may want to look elsewhere, as McWilliams seems positively prescient with this story of a strictly controlled society threatened by a mysterious virus plaguing the world outside their walls . . . and creeping ever closer to their borders.

You Say It First by Katie Cotugno
Balzer + Bray | June 16

Katie Cotugno’s fans know that she ranks among the best writers of grounded, authentic YA romance and are baffled that she isn’t a household name on par with Morgan Matson, Jenny Han or the O.G. herself, Sarah Dessen. You Say It First could be the book that changes all that, marrying (pun intended) Cotugno’s signature complex and movingly flawed characters with a concept I find irresistible: Two teens fall for each other over the phone after one calls the other from the voter registration center where she works.

Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi
Delacorte | June 23

If you still psych yourself up every morning with “My Shot,” can’t listen to “Quiet Uptown” without ugly crying and need something to tide you over until Hamilton hits streaming on July 3, may I suggest Rebel Spy, bestselling author Veronica Rossi’s first foray into historical fiction? It’s Rossi’s imagined take on the backstory of the real-life spy known as Agent 355. The world never learned her name—her identity has never been determined—but her intelligence helped expose the treason of Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War.

Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena
FSG | June 23

Author Tanaz Bhathena has given readers two acclaimed works of realistic fiction, A Girl Like That and The Beauty of the Moment. She makes an effortless shift to fantasy in Hunted by the Sky, the first book in a planned duology about two teens caught up by tides of rebellion and vengeance in a magical world inspired by medieval India.

Girl, Unframed by Deb Caletti
Simon Pulse | June 23

Deb Caletti’s last book, A Heart in a Body in the World, won a Printz Honor, one of the most prestigious awards for young adult literature. It was also my favorite book of 2018, a powerful story of healing in the aftermath of unspeakable trauma. Caletti returns with a very different book: Girl, Unframed, a twisty, thrilling page-turner. But Caletti’s prose, for which the term “masterful” seems to have been invented to describe, and her sharp attention to social expectations of young women underpin both. I’m calling it now: Girl, Unframed will be one of the best books of the summer.

Love, Creekwood by Becky Albertalli
Balzer + Bray | June 30

The impact of Becky Albertalli’s 2016 debut novel, Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, on the American YA publishing landscape can’t really be overstated. Watching YA publishers embrace a wider, deeper range of queer stories and queer authors in the years since Simon has been a joy and a delight. Albertalli returns to the sprawling social web of Simon and his friends one more time in this novella-length epilogue, which checks in on the crew in their first year of college. Sniffle. I suppose even YA characters have to grow up eventually.

I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick
Margaret K. McElderry | June 30

For readers so inclined, summer is an ideal time for staying up into the wee hours, turning the pages of a mystery. There’s no homework to feel guilty about, and no bus to catch the next morning at an hour no human ought to be awake. If your past obsessions have included such titles as We Were Liars and Sadie, you’ll want to put Kit Frick’s I Killed Zoe Spanos at the top of your TBR for this summer. It’s the intoxicating and engrossing story of a girl arrested for murder and the podcast host determined to exonerate her, and it all unfolds against the delicious backdrop of the divide between the haves and the have-nots in a small town in the Hamptons.

The Voting Booth by Brandy Colbert
Disney-Hyperion | July 7

For some readers, just seeing Brandy Colbert’s name on the spine is all they need in order to pull a book off the shelf. Readers less familiar with Colbert’s consistently excellent ouevre should find all the convincing they need when they discover the premise of her latest book, The Voting Booth: Over the course of a single day, two teens meet, connect and start to fall for each other when, after standing in line to vote in their first election, one is turned away from the polls and the other is determined to help him exercise his rights. Read it—and then devour everything else Colbert has written.

The Damned by Renée Ahdieh
Putnam | July 7

Have you heard? Vampires are SO back! As someone who got to be a teen during one of the best waves of pop culture vampires (all hail, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), I welcome the new wave of bloodsucking YA fiction with open arms. Renée Ahdieh proved herself ahead of the curve with last year’s The Beautiful, a lush, romantic tale set in the most vampire-friendly city in the U.S., New Orleans. The Beautiful ended on one of the most gut-wrenching cliffhangers in recent memory, so readers will be desperate to quench their thirst when its story continues in The Damned.

A Peculiar Peril by Jeff Vandermeer
FSG | July 7

Jeff Vandermeer is one of the biggest names in contemporary speculative fiction, thanks to the success of his Southern Reach trilogy, which formed the basis for the movie Annihilation, starring Natalie Portman. He makes his first foray into young adult with A Peculiar Peril, the opener to a duology called The Misadventures of Jonathan Lambshead. Readers looking to get lost in a sprawling, epic and singular vision should look no further; A Peculiar Peril clocks in at well over 600 pages, every one of them ambitious and uniquely magical.

The Princess Will Save You by Sarah Henning
TorTeen | July 7

Readers, I have four words for you: Gender-swapped A Princess Bride. I rest my case.

Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power
Delacorte | July 7

Rory Power’s first novel, Wilder Girls, was one of the strongest debut novels of 2019. Burn Our Bodies Down is a very different book—trust me when I tell you that the less you know about it before you read it, the better—but it’s immediately apparent that Power is the Arachne at the center of its web.

Mayhem by Estelle Laure
Wednesday | July 14

Estelle Laure’s first novel, This Raging Light, was one of the most accomplished YA debuts of the 2010s. Laure followed it with a sequel of sorts, 2017’s But Then I Came Back. Since then, it’s been three long years of waiting for Laure’s third book, and Mayhem promises to be well worth the wait. It’s a complex tale of family, feminism and magic, filtered through the hazy lens of a 1980s California beach town. Laure’s publisher describes Mayhem as The Lost Boys meets Wilder Girls. I’d describe it as fantastic.

Now & When by Sara Bennett Wealer
Delacorte | July 14

My friend Catherine’s mom always used to tell her daughter, “Make good choices!” This is something adults say to teens because, with the benefit of hindsight, they know the choices teens make today can sometimes echo far into the future. But what if you could see the impact of your choices on your future—now? That’s the premise of Sara Bennett Wealer’s high-concept debut, in which Skyler starts receiving update notifications from a website that appears to host photos of her at her 10-year high school reunion. The catch? She appears to be married to her arch-nemesis, Truman.

The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune
TorTeen | July 14

Author TJ Klune made waves earlier this year with the publication of his well-received adult fantasy novel, The House in the Cerulean Sea. Klune’s superpowered YA book, The Extraordinaries, will be just what teens who devour the CW’s DC shows and Marvel’s cinematic universe films need to tide them over as they await new seasons of superhero television and the release of Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow.

10 Things I Hate About Pinky by Sandhya Menon
Simon Pulse | July 21

Folks, we are living in a golden age of YA rom-coms, and its light shows no sign of waning. Sandhya Menon established herself as one of its brightest stars with 2017’s When Dimple Met Rishi. 10 Things I Hate About Pinky sees her tackle another beloved rom-com trope, fake dating, with her usual swoonworthy aplomb. Talk about summer loving!

This Is My America by Kim Johnson
Random House | July 28

Readers who love authors like Nic Stone, Jason Reynolds and Walter Dean Myers won’t want to miss Kim Johnson’s searing debut, This Is My America. Inspired by the work of The Innocence Project, Johnson’s book centers on a girl trying to save her father from being executed for a crime he didn’t commit.

The Faithless Hawk by Margaret Owen
Holt | July 28

There’s no way to avoid the fact that Margaret Owen’s ambitious debut fantasy novel, The Merciful Crow, set against a backdrop of a plague-ravaged kingdom, reads a little differently this summer than it did last summer. But stories about slaying dragons show us that dragons can be slain, and I can’t wait to see where Owen takes her story in its sequel, The Faithless Hawk.

Ever Cursed by Corey Ann Haydu
Simon Pulse | July 28

There are a handful of YA authors who, in recent years, have taken fairy tales—separate and distinct from the broader genre of fantasy—and, for lack of a better way to describe it, pushed at it. These heirs to the likes of Ursula K. LeGuin, Octavia Butler and Robin McKinley have spun stories of princesses and spells, castles and curses, that read with more contemporary urgency than many works of realistic fiction. Corey Ann Haydu joins the ranks of Elana K. Arnold, Margo Lanagan and Susann Cokal with Ever Cursed, a tale about a witch, a terrible spell and the kingdom, caught in its thrall, in which nothing is as it appears.

A Map to the Sun by Sloane Leong
First Second | August 4

2020 has been a good year for sports stories that aren’t really about sports. Here’s hoping Sloane Leong’s dreamy-looking graphic novel, A Map to the Sun, about a ragtag group of girls who all join their school’s basketball team, continues the streak.

Some Kind of Animal by Maria Romasco-Moore
Delacorte | August 4

A rural Appalachian setting: check. Prose so gorgeous it’s almost vicious: check. Sisters who protect each other, possibly at all costs: check. The real enemy was the patriarchy we destroyed along the way: check. A cover I find somehow strangely unsettling and yet cannot stop looking at: check. It’s not like I keep an actual checklist of elements I love in books, but if I did, Maria Romasco-Moore’s Some Kind of Animal sure would check a lot of boxes.

They Wish They Were Us by Jessica Goodman
Razorbill | August 4

Jill’s best friend, Shaila, was murdered by her boyfriend, Graham, during their freshman year at Gold Coast Prep, and Shaila’s shadow has hung over Jill and her friends ever since. But now they’re seniors, and they’ve all been accepted into Gold Coast’s elite secret society, the Players. It’s time to lay Shaila’s ghost to rest and have the best year ever, but new evidence emerges that calls Graham’s guilt into question and threatens to reveal long-held secrets. Jessica Goodman’s debut mystery is a true page-turner, but it’s her exploration of Gold Coast's high-achieving, socioeconomically stratified culture that sets They Wish They Were Us apart on the shelf.

Prelude for Lost Souls by Helene Dunbar
Sourcebooks Fire | August 4

Here’s an approximate recipe for Helene Dunbar’s Prelude for Lost Souls: Start with one cup of 300 Fox Way, the house of psychics from Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle, sifted, and add three tablespoons of Stars Hollow, the quirky small-town setting of “Gilmore Girls.” Gently fold in the should-I-stay-or-should-I-go dilemma that faces many of the young men in the later seasons of “Friday Night Lights.” In a separate bowl, combine one stick of the musical prodigy protagonist of Jennifer Donnelly’s Revolution, melted and cooled, with one teaspoon of the way you feel after you finish listening to Ludovico Einaudi’s solo piano masterpiece “Oltremare.” Stir until smooth; add a pinch of the first chill in the autumn air at night, to taste. Bake at 375 F in a greased 9- by 13-inch pan for 30 to 35 minutes, until golden brown on top. Let cool before slicing, and try to resist reading the whole thing in one sitting.

Sia Martinez and the Moonlit Beginning of Everything by Rachel Vasquez Gilliland
Simon Pulse | August 11

I’ve become somewhat desensitized to the “X meets Y” elevator pitch for books, but I sat up a little straighter when I read a description of Raquel Vasquez Gilliland’s debut novel that called it Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe meets Roswell by way of Laurie Halse Anderson. Having gotten a sneak peek at the book itself, here’s all I want to tell you, because I really want you to discover it for yourself: This book is like nothing I have ever read and everything I hoped it would be, in the absolute best way possible.

Shop our full list of summer’s most anticipated YA books here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.


For a bookworm, there’s nothing quite like summer’s long, lazy days for hours of reading. Here are the YA books we’re most looking forward to discovering this summer.

In Furia, the new YA novel by Yamile Saied Méndez, Camila must decide how much she is willing to sacrifice to achieve her dream of becoming a professional soccer player.

On the soccer field in Argentina, Camila is La Furia, a talented player with a chance to earn an athletic scholarship. But Camila’s parents don’t know about her passion—and wouldn’t approve if they found out. Camila’s life becomes even more complicated when Diego, the boy she once loved, returns to town after achieving international fame playing for an acclaimed Italian soccer team. As the secrets Camila must keep pile up and her ambition grows, Camila must confront a world with no place for her dreams and find a way to make her life her own.

Furia will hit shelves at bookstores and libraries everywhere on Sept. 29, 2020, but you can see the stunning cover, which was illustrated by Rachelle Baker and designed by Laura Williams, and read an exclusive excerpt right now. Just scroll down!

Lies have short legs. I learned this proverb before I could speak. I never knew exactly where it came from. Maybe the saying followed my family across the Atlantic, all the way to Rosario, the second-largest city in Argentina, at the end of the world.

My Russian great-grandmother, Isabel, embroidered it on a pillow after her first love broke her heart and married her sister. My Palestinian grandfather, Ahmed, whispered it to me every time my mom found his hidden stash of wine bottles. My Andalusian grandmother, Elena, repeated it like a mantra until her memories and regrets called her to the next life. Maybe it came from Matilde, the woman who chased freedom to Las Pampas all the way from Brazil, but of her, this Black woman whose blood roared in my veins, we hardly ever spoke. Her last name got lost, but my grandma’s grandma still showed up so many generations later in the way my brown hair curled, the shape of my nose and my stubbornness—ay, Dios mío, my stubbornness. Like her, if family folklore was to be trusted, I had never learned to shut up or do as I was told.

But perhaps the words sprouted from this land that the conquistadores thought was encrusted with silver, the only inheritance I’d ever receive from the indigenous branch of my family tree. In any case, when my mom said them to me as I was getting ready to leave the house that afternoon, I brushed her off.

“I’m not lying,” I insisted, fighting with the tangled laces of my sneakers—real Nikes that Pablo, my brother, had given me for Christmas after he got his first footballer paycheck. “I told you, I’ll be at Roxana’s.”

My mom put down her sewing—a sequined skirt for a quinceañera—and stared at me. “Be back by seven. The whole family will be over to celebrate the season opener.”

The whole family.

As if.

For all their talk of family unity, my parents weren’t on speaking terms with any of their siblings or cousins. But my dad’s friends and Pablo’s girlfriend would be here eating and gossiping and laughing until who knew when. “You know Pablo, Ma. I’m sure he has plans with the team.”

“He specifically asked me to make pizzas,” she said with a smirk. “Now, you be on time, and don’t do anything stupid.”

“Stupid like what?” My words came out too harsh, but I had stellar grades. I didn’t do drugs. I didn’t sleep around. Hell, I was 17 and not pregnant, unlike every other woman in my family. You would’ve thought she’d give me some credit, be on my side, but no. Nothing I did was enough. I was not enough. “It’s not like I can go to El Gigante. I don’t have money for a ticket.”

She flung the fabric aside. “Mirá, Camila, how many times have I told you that a fútbol stadium’s no place for a decent señorita? That girl who turned up in a ditch? If she hadn’t been hanging out with the wrong crowd, she’d still be alive.”

There was a little bit of truth in what she said. But just a little. That girl, Gimena Márquez, had gone missing after a game last year, but she had been killed by her boyfriend, el Paco. He and Pope Francisco shared a name, but el Paco was no saint.

Everyone knew that, just as everyone knew he used every woman in his life as a punching bag, starting with his mother. If I pointed this out, though, my mom would start ranting about how the Ni Una Menos movement was all feminist propaganda, and I’d miss my bus. My championship game, the one my mom couldn’t know about, was at four, the same time as Central’s league opener. At least they were at opposite ends of the city.

“Vieja,” I said, instantly regretting calling her old. She wasn’t even 40 yet. “We live in the 21st century in a free-ish country. If I wanted to go to the stadium, I could. You could, too, Mami. Pablo would want to see you there. You know that, right?”

Her face hardened. The last time she’d been to the stadium, Central had lost, and my dad had joked that she’d been la yeta, bad luck. My mom was a never-forgive, never-forget kind of person and would remember his words until her last breath. Because what if he was right? What if she had been the reason Pablo’s team had lost?

Throwing my last card, I let just enough of the truth spill out (I was going to Roxana’s after my game) to quench her fears. “At Roxana’s I can hear what happens in the stadium, Mama. Just give me this, please. What am I supposed to do here all day?”

She tugged at a stubborn thread. “It’s Mamá, Camila— don’t talk like a country girl. If my sister Graciela heard you speak like this . . .” Her eyes swept over me, up and down. “And why are you wearing those baggy pants, hija? If you’d let me make you a few dresses . . .”

I almost laughed. If she was picking on how I talked and how I dressed, I’d won this battle. But then she said, “You’re hiding something, and it worries me.”

My heart softened.

I’d been hiding that something for an entire year, since Coach Alicia had discovered Roxana and me playing in a night league and recruited us to her team.

Pobre Mamá.


This excerpt is reprinted courtesy of Algonquin Young Readers.

In Furia, the new YA novel by Yamile Saied Méndez, Camila must decide how much she is willing to sacrifice to achieve her dream of becoming a professional soccer player. On the soccer field in Argentina, Camila is La Furia, a talented player with a chance to earn an athletic scholarship. But Camila’s parents don’t […]

Summer is a-comin’ in, which means it’s the perfect time to look back at the first half of 2020 and all the incredible YA books it brought us. We’ve listed your top 15 favorites so far below.

Shop the full list of BookPage readers’ favorite YA books of 2020 here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.

1. Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You
by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi

More than merely a young reader’s adaptation of Kendi’s landmark work, Stamped does a remarkable job of tying together disparate threads while briskly moving through its historical narrative,” writes BookPage reviewer Autumn Allen. BookPage also spoke with Reynolds and with Kendi about their extraordinary book that we declared “the new required reading.”

2. This Book Is Anti-Racist
by Tiffany Jewell, illustrated by Aurélia Durand

BookPage reviewer Autumn Allen highlighted author Tiffany Jewell’s intentionally inclusive language and illustrator Aurélia Durand’s colorful images that depict diverse groups of young people among the many strengths of This Book Is Anti-Racist, a handbook that will provide “a safe and inviting way for teen readers to reflect on the world’s issues and their place in solving them.”

3. They Went Left
by Monica Hesse

Although all three of Monica Hesse’s YA novels take place during World War II, Hesse narrowed in on the often overlooked period of uncertainty and instability that followed the war’s conclusion in They Went Left. The result, BookPage reviewer Kevin Delecki wrote, was a “heartbreaking yet hopeful story of what it takes to survive after trauma” that blended romance, mystery and, of course, history. Hesse shared why she keeps returning to World War II stories and how she finds light in stories about humanity’s darkest moments.

4. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
by Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins’ announcement that she had written a prequel to her blockbuster Hunger Games trilogy set the YA landscape ablaze. BookPage was thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with Collins’ longtime editor, David Levithan (an acclaimed YA writer in his own right!) about what it was like to work with Collins on The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and why Collins probably thinks he’s Team Gale.

5. The Kingdom of Back
by Marie Lu

Bestselling author Marie Lu’s first foray into historical fantasy explores the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s sister, Nannerl, who is rumored to have had a hand in some of her brother’s compositions. In a feature of three YA fantasy novels with decidedly feminist perspectives, BookPage reviewer Jessica Wakeman praised Lu’s “light touch” in illustrating “how the gifts of talented, ambitious young women like Nannerl were overlooked and unappreciated.”

6. Yes No Maybe So
by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed

Critically acclaimed, bestselling YA authors—and IRL friends!—Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed made us swoon and ignited our sense of activism in their first collaboration, Yes No Maybe So, the story of two teens who fall for each other while canvassing for a state senate race. BookPage contributor Linda M. Castellito singled out the book’s “compassionate exploration of what’s worth fighting for” and “messages of hope, loving support and the empowerment that comes from pushing for change and taking action.”

7. Kent State
by Deborah Wiles

In her starred review, BookPage writer Alice Cary hailed two-time National Book Award finalist Deborah Wiles’ Kent State as “a powerful work of art that serves as both as a historical record of a national tragedy and a call to action for every American.” We ended our interview with Wiles by asking what gives her hope, and readers, I’ll admit that I cried the first time I read her response.

8. Anna K.
by Jenny Lee

We fell head over heels with Jenny Lee’s reimagining of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, and it seems BookPage readers did too! If you’ve been loving the irreverence and empowerment of “The Great” or “Dickinson,” you’ll devour Anna K. “Wonderfully observed,” “immersive,” “effortless,” “glittering” and “addictive” are just a few of the adjectives BookPage writer Annie Metcalf used to describe the foibles of Anna, Vronsky and their friends.

9. Not So Pure and Simple
by Lamar Giles

Lamar Giles, best known for his mysteries for both middle grade and YA readers, embarked on his first non-mystery narrative in Not So Pure and Simple, a thoughtful exploration of gender politics and toxic masculinity. BookPage reviewer Jill Ratzan raved about the way “Giles successfully integrates social justice themes into [the] story while maintaining a genuinely engaging and often hilarious tone” in her starred review. Giles took us deeper into the themes he explored in a wide-ranging interview that included the reveal of an Easter egg shared across all his books!

10. Dark and Deepest Red
by Anna-Marie McLemore

In her starred review, BookPage writer Alice Cary called McLemore’s latest a “provocative, insightful collision of fairy tale and history” and “a powerful demonstration of McLemore’s immense talent.” Dark and Deepest Red was McLemore’s first entry into historical fiction, but, as they observed in their interview with BookPage, “Our identities and our history are constantly evolving. We all have histories that we’re writing every day.”

11. By the Book
by Amanda Sellet

It’s hard to imagine a book more perfect for bibliophiles than Amanda Sellet’s debut novel, By the Book, the story of a teen girl named Mary who diagnoses the romantic woes of her friends through lessons gleaned from works of classic literature. In a feature of three literary-minded YA romances, BookPage’s Norah Piehl called Mary “charmingly old-fashioned in her speech and outlook but more than capable of meeting the challenges and rewards of modern life.” And in what will surely be the most hilarious Behind the Book essay of the year, Sellet created a taxonomy of toxic literary boyfriends; we do not recommend enjoying it with a nice cuppa, unless you like laughing so hard that you snort tea or coffee up your nose.

12. Parachutes
by Kelly Yang

BookPage writer Jessica Wakeman heaped praise on Front Desk author Kelly Yang’s first YA novel in her starred review. The book, she wrote, “goes much deeper than a predictable story of rich girl versus poor girl,” “incorporates issues of sexual assault and abuse, discrimination, parental infidelity and emotional neglect into an elaborate and twisting narrative” and “has an impressive buoyancy despite these weighty subjects.” Parachutes, Wakeman concluded, “is sure to establish Yang as one of YA’s most thoughtful and vital new voices.”

13. The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea
by Maggie Tokuda-Hall

Picture book author Maggie Tokuda-Hall made a splash in YA with The Mermaid, the Witch, and the Sea, a swashbuckling tale of romance and adventure on the high seas of fantasy. BookPage reviewer Annie Metcalf called her effort “strikingly original and accomplished,” highlighting the way “queer and gender nonconforming characters are everywhere, and their normalization within the world of the book is remarkable and praiseworthy.”

14. The Light in Hidden Places
by Sharon Cameron

Although she wrote her starred review in March, BookPage writer Alice Cary declared The Light in Hidden Places “destined for my list of the best books of 2020.” Based on the true story of Holocaust heroine Stefania Podgórska, a 16-year-old girl who hid 13 Jewish people in the attic of her tiny apartment while two German nurses and their SS boyfriends moved in downstairs, Cary called it “a tense and gripping novel, full of urgency, in which death seems to wait around every corner.”

15. What I Like About You
by Marisa Kanter

Halle Levitt, the heroine of Marisa Kanter’s debut novel, What I Like About You, is a book reviewer who bakes and photographs cupcakes to accompany her online book reviews; it’s little wonder BookPage readers took a shine to her! Kanter’s book is “a charming, witty story about authenticity in the social media age, told with a wink and a string of heart-eyes emojis,” raved BookPage reviewer Kimberly Giarratano.

Shop the full list of BookPage readers’ favorite YA books of 2020 here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.

Summer is a-comin’ in, which means it’s the perfect time to look back at the first half of 2020 and all the incredible YA books it brought us. We’ve listed your top 15 favorites so far below. Shop the full list of BookPage readers’ favorite YA books of 2020 here. Every purchase made through […]

No young person’s bookcase is complete without books by Black authors and illustrators. In the 24 titles below, you’ll find recent books for readers of every age, from the littlest of littles to teens and YA readers, full of mystery, laughter, music, romance and more.

Shop our full list of books for young readers by brilliant Black creators here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.

Picture Books

The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes, illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton

The start of school is an event of regal import in The King of Kindergarten, as a young boy washes his face “with a cloth bearing the family crest,” puts on “handpicked garments from the far-off villages of Osh and Kosh,” downs a pancake breakfast and gets on the bus—“a big yellow carriage.” Barnes’ story is a fun reminder to readers that they have what it takes to succeed, accompanied by Brantley-Newton’s irresistible depictions of kindergarten life.

Big Papa and the Time Machine by Daniel Bernstrom, illustrated by Shane W. Evans

When a young grandson expresses first-day-of-school nerves, he becomes a passenger in Big Papa’s vintage car on a journey through the past. Author Daniel Bernstrom writes dialogue between the pair that’s honest and full of wisdom. Without veering into didactic or overly saccharine territory, Big Papa shows his grandson that courage is not the absence of fear, but the choice to carry on through it.

I Am Loved by Nikki Giovanni, illustrated by Ashley Bryan

Nikki Giovanni and Ashley Bryan first collaborated in 1996 with The Sun Is So Quiet, and they joined creative forces once again to bring a new gift to readers with I Am Loved. Complementing Giovanni’s luminous poetry, Bryan’s ever-gorgeous tempera-and-watercolor art is a jeweled treasure—a stained glass and patchwork-quilt vision of love.

What Is Given From the Heart by Patricia C. McKissack, illustrated by April Harrison

It seems both fitting and bittersweet that the last picture book written by Patricia C. McKissack, a towering figure in children’s literature, should be the first picture book illustrated by a talent as extraordinary as April Harrison, who would go on to win the Coretta Scott King-John Steptoe Award for New Talent for her work on it. The book itself is a poignant exploration of what it means to truly give of oneself, and readers should take solace in the many wonderful books created for them by McKissack, and hope in the many wonderful books Harrison is sure to create in the future—all of them gifts from the heart.

Saturday by Oge Mora

Saturday is Ava and her mother’s special day to spend together, but nothing seems to be going as planned today! Oge Mora’s picture book is a big-hearted ode to parent-child bonding as well as a reminder of what makes time truly well spent.

I Can Write the World by Joshunda Sanders, illustrated by Charly Palmer

Living in South Bronx, Ava wonders why news images and stories depicting her neighborhood don’t reflect or match her feelings and experiences, so she sets out to become a journalist who will report the stories that accurately reflect her vibrant, creative and loving neighborhood. Ava’s gentle first-person perspective provides a child’s insight into a New York City neighborhood and demonstrates to readers that that they, too, hold the power to seek out and tell stories.

The Old Truck by Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey

The picture book canon of books about “things that go” gets a stunning new update in Jarrett and Jerome Pumphrey’s instant classic, The Old Truck, the story of a beloved farm truck that falls into disrepair until it’s rediscovered and restored to its former glory by an enterprising young farmer.

Another by Christian Robinson

As a girl sleeps in her bedroom, a mysterious portal to another plane of existence appears in the darkness. Illustrator Christian Robinson makes his authorial debut in this wordless tale made for twisting and turning in little hands. Robinson uses simple shapes—the oval of the portal, the triangle of the girl’s dress, the small squares of the stairs—to tell a multilayered, mind-blowing and truly out-of-this-world adventure.

Middle Grade

Infinite Hope by Ashley Bryan

At the age of 96, Ashley Bryan, a hugely beloved figure in children’s literature, finally published a memoir in which he discussed his military service in World War II. Infinite Hope relates Bryan’s journey as a stevedore in the 502nd Port Battalion through mixed media, with large photographs interspersed with sketches, paintings and excerpts from his diary and letters. The result is both an intimate portrait of Bryan himself and a rare insight into the African American experience of World War II and the invasion of Normandy.

King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender

Kacen Callender brings their lyrical style to this story of a boy who believes his older brother isn’t dead but has instead been transformed into a dragonfly. Callender writes with honesty and kindness, and strikes the difficult but necessary balance between the two perfectly.

The Only Black Girls in Town by Brandy Colbert

Critically acclaimed YA author Brandy Colbert made her middle grade debut in this story of two girls who uncover a stack of journals in an attic. Equal parts mystery, coming-of-age narrative and coastal California travelogue, The Only Black Girls in Town is an affectionate tribute to friends, both new and old, and the ways they enrich our lives.

The Parker Inheritence by Varian Johnson

Two friends uncover a clue to a treasure hunt left unsolved for generations in Varian Johnson’s page-turning The Parker Inheritance. With a nod to The Westing Game, Johnson pens a smart mystery that deftly explores modern-day discrimination, the history of segregation in the South, friendship, love and bullying.

The Season of Styx Malone by Kekla Magoon

Kekla Magoon’s tale of summer adventure begins as 10-year-old Caleb and his 11-year-old brother, Bobby Gene, trade their toddler sister, Susie, for a large bag of fireworks. Their summer really ignites when the brothers meet the titular Styx Malone, an older teen who hatches a plan to help the boys repeatedly “trade up”—with the goal of eventually buying a moped—in what he calls a “Great Escalator Trade.” Magoon’s thoughtful novel is a classic coming-of-age story about the pleasures and constraints of friendship, family, trust and betrayal.

From the Desk of Zoe Washington by Janae Marks

On her 12th birthday, Zoe discovers that her mother has been intercepting her father’s letters to her from prison and decides to write him back. When her father reveals the existence of an alibi that will exonerate him, Zoe sets out to track it down. Marks’ crisp writing and Zoe’s appealing first-person narration make for page-turning reading.

Look Both Ways by Jason Reynolds

In each of the 10 short stories that compose Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks, the reader follows a different student to see what they get up to on their way home from school. Despite seemingly simple prose, Reynolds’ language sparkles.

Some Places More Than Others by Renée Watson

Some Places More Than Others is Oregon-born Watson’s love letter to her adopted home of New York City. In this story of a girl’s first visit to her grandfather’s Harlem home, Watson expertly balances her heroine’s outward adventures with her inner exploration of identity, family heritage, Black history and independence.

Young Adult

Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo

The stories of the lives lost on board Flight 587 and those of the families left behind, as well as author Elizabeth Acevedo’s own memories of trips to visit relatives in the Dominican Republic, inspired Clap When You Land. The book gets its title from the Dominican tradition of applauding when a plane touches down safely at its destination. By the story’s end, readers will be ready to give its two heroines and Acevedo herself a standing ovation.

When the Stars Lead to You by Ronni Davis

Through Devon’s struggle to recognize the importance of valuing herself within her romantic relationship, debut author Ronni Davis deftly illustrates one of the primary challenges of young love. Deeply moving and thought-provoking, When the Stars Lead to You takes readers on a journey through first love, heartbreak and the indispensable lessons they can bring.

Not So Pure and Simple by Lamar Giles

Two-time Edgar Award finalist Lamar Giles tells two stories at once in Not So Pure and Simple. One is a comedy of errors, as Del’s attempts to spend time alone with the object of his affection go increasingly awry. The other is a thoughtful exploration of gender roles and toxic masculinity told with empathy and humor.

Let Me Hear a Rhyme by Tiffany D. Jackson

When Quadir and Jarrell hear the music Steph had been recording before he died, they have an idea. Shouldn’t the world get to hear their friend’s lyrical genius? Readers will feel connected to these teens’ love of hip-hop, their loyalty to each other and their love for their community—even when they disagree over how to protect it. Let Me Hear a Rhyme is an engaging ode to ’90s hip-hop and to love in many forms. 

Slay by Brittany Morris

Tired of playing video games in which the only characters of color are villains or dwarves, and weary of encountering racial slurs hurled at her by other players’ avatars, Kiera developed SLAY to create a place where Black gamers could play safely online. But when a Black teenager is shot to death over a SLAY-related dispute, Kiera begins to question everything. Readers will cheer for Kiera as she slays her own demons, and they’ll desperately wish SLAY were more than the product of Morris’ imagination.

The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe

Debut author Ben Philippe’s The Field Guide to the North American Teenager mirrors his own experience and paints an authentic portrait of what it’s like to feel like a fish out of water—not only for his protagonist but also for a richly developed cast of supporting characters whose Breakfast Club-style stereotypes fall away to reveal teens who are just trying to find their places in the world.

Jackpot by Nic Stone

When a customer at the gas station where she works buys what might be a winning lottery ticket, it sets a whole new life in motion for Rico. But is a Jackpot really the answer to all her problems? Nic Stone structures Jackpot like a romance with a twist of mystery—Rico enlists rich kid Zan to help her track down the ticket holder, and their shared quest leads to mutual attraction—but there is so much more going on underneath its surface.

When You Were Everything by Ashley Woodfolk

Ashley Woodfolk’s second novel is a powerful close-up view of what it means to lose a best friend and to feel like you’re facing the world alone. In effortless prose, Woodfolk illustrates the depth of Cleo and Layla’s friendship, the chaos of its unraveling and the devastation of its aftermath as Cleo tries to pick up the pieces and find a way forward without her other half.

Shop our full list of books for young readers by brilliant Black creators here. Every purchase made through benefits independent bookstores.

No young person’s bookcase is complete without books by Black authors and illustrators. In the 24 titles below, you’ll find recent books for readers of every age, from the littlest of littles to teens and YA readers, full of mystery, laughter, music, romance and more.

Best known for her young adult novels Daughter of the Burning City and the Shadow Game series, author Amanda Foody will make her middle grade debut in the spring of 2021 with the whimsical fantasy-adventure The Accidental Apprentice, the first book in the Wilderlore series.

Here’s how Foody’s publisher describes the tale:

The adventure begins when Barclay Thorne, an apprentice to the town’s mushroom farmer, accidentally bonds with a magical Beast. Determined to break his bond and return home, Barclay must journey to find the mysterious town of Lore Keepers, people who have also bonded with Beasts and share their powers. But after making new friends, entering a dangerous apprenticeship exam and even facing the legendary Beast of the Woods, Barclay must make a difficult choice: Return to the home and rules he’s always known, or embrace the adventure awaiting him.

The Accidental Apprentice hits shelves at libraries and bookstores everywhere on March 30, 2021, but BookPage is thrilled to reveal its breathtaking cover below! The cover illustration is by Petur Antonsson, with cover design by Karyn Lee and art direction from Sonia Chaghatzbanian. Be sure to check out our Q&A with Foody and an exclusive excerpt after the reveal.

The Accidental Apprentice is your first middle grade novel, though you've published several YA novels. What drew you to creating a story for younger readers? 
I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember, so even though middle grade is not where I got my start professionally, it feels like where I got my start creatively. I was the sort of child who often fantasized myself into the worlds of my favorite stories; I eagerly anticipated my Pokemon adventure when I turned 10 and my Hogwarts letter when I was 11. After writing a few dark and gritty YA worlds, I was eager to try my hand at something just as vast and magical but a touch more lighthearted, and it was so rewarding. It felt like coming home.   

What was most challenging about making the leap from YA to middle grade? What was the most enjoyable? 
My greatest challenge was overcoming the feelings of intimidation that I’d developed about middle grade. It’s been over a decade since I was actively reaching for middle grade books, and when I began drafting this book, I didn’t feel tapped into the current market the way I feel with YA. Truthfully, I still often feel that way. But that reading and learning process has also been the greatest joy! I have discovered many new favorites, such as the Percy Jackson and Nevermoor series.  

Like some of the most beloved works of children's literature, The Accidental Apprentice is a fantasy-adventure story. What kinds of books did you love to read as a kid? What do you hope kids will love about The Accidental Apprentice
I was an avid reader as a kid, though I read more broadly than I do now. I loved fantasy series like Septimus Heap, Pendragon, A Series of Unfortunate Events and Harry Potter, but I was also a huge fan of Agatha Christie, Clique and Warriors. I’ve grown more wholly devoted to fantasy as an adult, now that magic so often feels in shorter supply.  

What I personally hope kids will love about The Accidental Apprentice is the world. Between all the magical places to visit and Beasts to bond with, the story is full of imagination fodder, and I would love nothing more than for kids to imagine themselves bonding with their own beastly companions, choosing their own magical apprenticeships and setting off on their own adventures exploring the many sights that the natural world has to offer.  

Barclay, the hero of The Accidental Apprentice, accidentally bonds with a magical Beast. Do you have any pets who may have inspiredor wish they could inspireany of the Beasts in the book? If they could have a magical power, what do you think it would be? 
I do! I have an orange tabby named Jelly Bean, who is a very rambunctious and friendly kitty. Of the Beasts in the novel, he actually inspired the antics of Mitzi, the baby dragon of Barclay’s closest friend. Mitzi delights in tipping over glasses and nipping at her owner’s ears.  

If Jelly Bean had a magical power, it would be teleportation. Truthfully, I’m not convinced that he doesn’t already have this ability. I feel as though I’m constantly leaving him behind in one part of my apartment only to find him awaiting me in the next room.

Chapter One

Barclay Thorne knew almost all there was to know about mushrooms, and there was a lot to know.

He knew the poisonous ones never grew on trees. He knew the red ones with white spots made warts bubble up between toes, but the white ones with red spots cured warts, welts and pustules of all kinds. He knew which ones made you drowsy or loopy, or could even knock you right dead, if you weren’t careful.

“You’re supposed to be taking notes,” Barclay hissed at Selby. Both boys were apprentices to their town’s highly esteemed mushroom farmer, but because Barclay was older and smarter, he was the one in charge. And he took his position very seriously.

“I c-can’t write and walk at the same time,” Selby blubbered, clutching his quill with his whole fist. Selby was a very pink boy. He had a pink nose and pink cheeks, like a plucked chicken, a resemblance made all the worse by his buzzed blond hair and stocky frame.

In nearly all ways, Barclay was the opposite. Though three years older, he was so short and skinny that Selby would likely outgrow him before next spring. His dark eyes looked like ink smudges on his papery white skin, and his shoulder-length black hair was combed harshly to both sides, slick with oil to make it lie flat.

He didn’t see what was so hard about writing and walking. He doubted it was harder than reading and walking, and Barclay rarely walked anywhere without an open book in his hand.

The two apprentices had been assigned an extremely important mission to find a rare mushroom called the Mourningtide Morel, and for this, they had ventured to the edge of the Woods.

The Woods was no average wood. It was so large that no map could fit all of it, so dangerous that no adventurer dared explore it. It loomed to the west of their town like a great shadow.

The trees along the edge were gray and spooky, their trunks twisted like they’d been wrung out, and their branches reached up like claws toward the overcast sky. It was quiet except for the rustle of decayed leaves and the snaps and cracks of brittle twigs beneath boots. This was the only time to find the Mourningtide Morel: that bleak in-between part of the year after the leaves had all fallen but before the first snow.

Selby stumbled over a tree root and bumped into Barclay’s back.

“It would be easier to write and walk if you weren’t always looking over your shoulder,” Barclay grumbled.

“But we’re so close! You know what Master Pilzmann says about—”

“We haven’t gone in. And the town is right there.” Barclay pointed behind them to Dullshire. Their small town crouched on a knobby hill, encircled by a stone wall covered in spears, like a giant thorn bush. The people were about as friendly as thorn bushes as well. They didn’t like laziness—naps were expressly forbidden. They hated visitors—visitors could mean tax collectors, circus performers, or worse, Lore Keepers.

The only things the people of Dullshire loved were rules. But they only had one rule about the Woods.

Never ever, ever stray inside.

Because the Woods would trick you if you let it, leading you too deep within to find your way out.

And deeper in the Woods lurked the Beasts.

But Barclay, being a dutiful apprentice, would never dream of breaking Dullshire’s most important rule—especially because of how often he got in trouble for accidentally breaking so many little ones. He would do exactly what he’d come here to do, and that was to find the Mourningtide Morel. With or without Selby’s help.

Barclay didn’t understand why Master Pilzmann had insisted Selby come along, or why he’d even taken on a second apprentice in the first place. Dullshire didn’t need two mushroom farmers. And when Master Pilzmann retired, it would be Barclay—not Selby—who took over for him.

After all, Barclay made sure he was the perfect apprentice. He took detailed notes in neat cursive handwriting. He had memorized every mushroom species in The Filosopher’s Field Guide to Finding Fungi volumes one through nine. Even Master Pilzmann himself had claimed that Barclay was the hardest-working boy Dullshire had ever seen.

Which was why Barclay refused to leave the mission empty-handed. He needed to prove to Master Pilzmann that he only needed one apprentice.

“I’m not leaving. Not yet,” Barclay declared, and he continued marching along the tree line.

Selby followed but whimpered as they walked.

As the older apprentice, it was Barclay’s responsibility to comfort Selby—not just to teach him. Selby had never been near the Woods before, and even Barclay, as experienced as he was, still thought the twisted trees looked a bit frightening.

But Barclay found it very hard to be nice to Selby. At home, Selby had many brothers and sisters who cared about him. Parents who looked after him. A room of his own. Barclay had none of those things. He’d had the last one, at least, until Master Pilzmann had let Selby move in.

There was no orphanage in Dullshire. If you wanted supper and a bed for the night, then you had to work for it. So Barclay had grown up working many jobs. He’d stacked books in the library, recorded new rules for the lawmakers, and delivered more spears to the sentries. But even though Barclay had tried to be exceptional at everything, when it came time to choose his apprenticeship, no one in Dullshire had offered him a spot. They were too worried about the futures of their own children to care about a scrappy rule-breaking orphan too.

And so Barclay had knocked on old Master Pilzmann’s door and begged for this apprenticeship, a job no one else wanted. Master Pilzmann had refused, and refused, and refused. But Barclay kept trying until he agreed.

And it had been fine for two years, all until the day that Selby showed up. He still cried and fled back home every chance he got, but Master Pilzmann hadn’t refused him. Not once.

“It’ll be dark soon,” Selby whined to Barclay.

“Not for hours,” Barclay told him.

“It’s freezing.”

“It’s winter. What did you expect?”

“I’m hungry.”

“Didn’t you eat lunch?”

“I fed it to Gustav.”

Gustav was Master Pilzmann’s pet pig, who sniffed out valuable truffles hidden in the ground. Normally, Gustav would join the boys on quests such as these, but Gustav had mysteriously gained weight these past few months, so much weight that waddling exhausted him. He spent all day napping by the fire.

You’ve been feeding Gustav?” Barclay buried his face in his hands. The mystery of the pig fattening was solved, and once again all of Barclay’s problems proved to be Selby’s fault.

“I don’t like mushrooms!” Selby complained. “They’re slimy, and they taste like dirt!”

Barclay could hardly believe what he was hearing. “Then why are you here?” he shouted. It was the very question that had bothered him for months. He also felt personally offended—he liked mushrooms very much.

Selby’s pink face flushed several shades pinker, and he burst into tears. “My mom said it was a good future for me.”

This seemed to be a lot of pressure to put on an 8-year-old, and for a moment, Barclay did feel rather bad.

But Barclay couldn’t get distracted. If he wanted to keep his apprenticeship, he didn’t have time to feel sorry for anyone but himself. This job was the only thing that ensured Barclay really fit into Dullshire, and Dullshire, however small and rural and rule-obsessed, was Barclay’s home. He would never leave it.

When Barclay had been very small, before his parents had died, he used to dream of adventure. He spent hours imagining the world that existed beyond Dullshire’s prickly walls, other towns and cities and kingdoms in far-flung realms beyond the Woods.

But his parents had loved Dullshire—they wouldn’t want such a life of uncertainty and danger for their only child. And so Barclay refused to disrespect their wishes. He tried to forget about the call of adventure, concentrating instead on how to stay. To belong.

Barclay focused back on the mission, and for the next several minutes, the only sounds were Selby’s teeth chattering, his nose sniffling or his stomach rumbling.

As Barclay knelt to examine a promising fungus, Selby tapped him on the shoulder. “Look. Look.”

Barclay swatted him away and pulled out his forager’s notebook, to compare the sketch to the subject before him. He frowned. He needed a scarlet dome, but this one was clearly crimson. Mushroom foraging was a very precise science.

He dug it out anyway and added it to his basket.

I’ve done it again, Barclay scolded himself, inspecting the dirt underneath his fingernails. Master Pilzmann hated how dirty Barclay got himself, and how his hair looked wild only hours after combing it. Repeat after me, Master Pilzmann would always say when he quoted Dullshire’s lawbook. Filth is prohibited—no dirt, no odor, no potty mouths. Cleanliness is orderliness.

“Barclay!” Selby squeaked, and Barclay finally stood up and turned around.

The grass between them and Dullshire was alive, with dozens—no, hundreds—of tiny, glowing white eyes peering at them between the weeds.

The piles of leaves beneath the boys’ boots shuddered and shook as small figures dashed within them. Selby hopped back and forth as though he stood barefoot on hot coals.

“Barclayyyyyyyy,” he wailed.

But Barclay was frozen, his gaze fixed on a single creature perched on a rock. It looked like a mouse, except without a tail and with six curled spikes protruding from its back.

Barclay had seen Beasts before. Sometimes, on breezy autumn days, strong gusts of wind carried glowing insects from the Woods to his town, whose stingers turned your skin swollen and green. He’d spotted Beasts flying in V shapes across the sky, seeking out warmer places for the winter and leaving trails of glittery smoke behind them. Occasionally, more vicious Beasts snuck out from the Woods to break into chicken coops and goat pens for nighttime feasts.

When Barclay was 4 years old, the Legendary Beast who lurked in the Woods, named Gravaldor, had destroyed Dullshire on Midsummer’s Day. Though Barclay had never glimpsed Gravaldor’s face, he remembered how the town walls had crumbled from the force of his roar. Gravaldor had torn roofs off homes with his jaws, sinking fangs into stones as though they were butter. His magic had caused the earth to rupture, making whatever remained of their once flat town now stand on a tilt.

It was thanks to Gravaldor that Barclay was an orphan.

Knowledge of Beasts had since been forbidden in Dullshire. Travelers who spoke of them were turned away from inns, in case they could be Lore Keepers, wretched people who bonded with Beasts and shared their magic. Children who played too close to the Woods were punished. Even the Beast-related books in the library were burned, making the entire subject a mystery.

“I thought the B-beasts stayed in the Woods,” Selby moaned.

“They usually do.”

Barclay had foraged along the edge of the Woods before without ever spotting a Beast.

But Midwinter was only a few weeks away, and like Midsummer, the holiday was known to make Beasts behave strangely.

Barclay took a careful step away from the mouselike creature. He considered reaching into his pocket for the charm he kept to ward off Beasts. But it was already too late for that.

“Don’t panic,” he told Selby. “They’re blocking our way back to town. But if we just think of . . .”

Except Selby didn’t listen. Dropping his notebook and quill behind him, he turned around and shot off.

Into the Woods.

The hundreds of eyes in the grass seemed to blink all at once. Barclay glanced at Dullshire in the distance, his whole body trembling. Selby was gone. Into the Woods. If Barclay could get around the terrible creatures, he could alert the sentries, who protected Dullshire from the Beasts. Selby had parents and a family, after all. The townspeople would grab their pitchforks and go after him.

But before Barclay could take off, one of the mice leaped out of the leaves and landed on Barclay’s boot.

It squeaked.

Barclay screamed.

He shook it off and sprinted after Selby. As soon as Barclay crossed into the trees, the daylight dimmed, swallowed by the knotted branches overhead. The already cold weather went colder, a fine, icy mist prickling against his skin.

Barclay was small for an 11-year-old, which made him an easy target for older kids looking for trouble. They tore pages out of his library books or stole the coins he saved for apple pastries.

If they could catch him.

Because when Barclay ran, even the sheepdogs struggled to keep up. And so he barreled down the forest hills and soon caught up to Selby, who ducked between the gray trees.

The wind blew, and leaves tumbled farther into the Woods, as if dragged by a riptide. The trees bent low, as though pointing Selby deeper, deeper.

“Selby!” Barclay screamed.

His long hair whipped across his face as he ran, quickly growing wild and tangled. The wind seemed to push him forward, like it was trying to carry him off as well.

“Selby, stop!”

Behind him, Barclay had lost sight of the edge. There were only trees and mist in every direction.

We’ve broken the rules, and now we’re going to die, Barclay thought with panic. Even if they escaped the Woods without being eaten by a Beast, what would they tell everyone? Selby and Barclay were both terrible liars.

Then Selby suddenly stopped running. Barclay skidded to a halt and slammed into him, knocking both boys down a thorn-covered hill. They rolled in a tangle of leaves and legs and branches, mushrooms spilling out of their baskets and bouncing down after them. They each screamed until they collided with the base of a fallen tree.

“What were you thinking?” Barclay shouted, shoving Selby off him. “We could’ve broken our necks! And—”

Selby let out a strangled sound and scampered back up the hill.

“What . . . ?” Barclay turned around to see what had scared Selby off, and froze.

On the fallen trunk of a massive tree, there stood a girl.

And on her shoulder, there sat a dragon.

Author photo by Diane Brophy Photography.

Best known for her young adult novels Daughter of the Burning City and the Shadow Game series, author Amanda Foody will make her middle grade debut in the spring of 2021 with the whimsical fantasy-adventure The Accidental Apprentice, the first book in the Wilderlore series. Here’s how Foody’s publisher describes the tale: The adventure begins […]

Ready for the dog days of summer to be over? Get a glimpse of a wintery wonderland as we reveal the cover of A Sled for Gabo, which will be simultaneously published in a Spanish edition, Un trineo para Gabo, translated by Alexis Romay, on Jan. 5, 2021. Author Emma Otheguy’s charming tale of a boy experiencing snow for the first time features illustrations by Ana Ramírez González.

Here’s how the book’s publisher, Atheneum, describes the story:

On the day it snows, Gabo sees kids tugging sleds up the hill, then coasting down, whooping all the while. Gabo wishes he could join them, but his hat is too small and he doesn’t have boots or a sled. But he does have warm and welcoming neighbors in his new town who help him solve the problem in the sweetest way possible! The Snowy Day meets Last Stop on Market Street in this heartwarming classic in the making about a young Latinx boy who is new in town and doesn’t have much, but with the help of a loving community discovers the joys of his first snowy day.

See the beautiful covers for both A Sled for Gabo and Un trineo para Gabo and read an exclusive excerpt below!

Images from A Sled for Gabo reproduced courtesy of Atheneum Books for Young Readers.

Ready for the dog days of summer to be over? Get a glimpse of a wintery wonderland as we reveal the cover of A Sled for Gabo, which will be simultaneously published in a Spanish edition, Un trineo para Gabo, translated by Alexis Romay, on Jan. 5, 2021. Author Emma Otheguy’s charming tale of a […]

Acclaimed author Margarita Engle’s forthcoming young adult novel, Your Heart My Sky, is the story of two teens who fall in love while struggling to survive during one of the darkest periods in Cuban history. Engle, the former National Young People's Poet Laureate, has won countless awards for her writing, including the 2019 NSK Neustadt Prize.

Here's how Engle's publisher describes her latest verse novel:

The people of Cuba are living in el período especial en tiempos de paz, the special period in times of peace. That’s what the government insists that this era must be called, but the reality behind these words is starvation. Liana is struggling to find enough to eat. Yet hunger has also made her brave: She finds the courage to skip a summer of so-called volunteer farm labor, even though she risks government retribution. Nearby, a quiet, handsome boy named Amado also refuses to comply, so he wanders alone, trying to discover rare sources of food. A chance encounter with an enigmatic dog brings Liana and Amado together. United in hope and hunger, they soon discover that their feelings for each other run deep. Love can feed their souls and hearts—but is it enough to withstand el período especial?

Your Heart My Sky will be available on shelves at libraries and bookstores everywhere on March 23, 2021. In the meantime, we’re thrilled to reveal its gorgeous cover, which was illustrated by Gaby D'Alessandro and designed by Rebecca Syracuse, and to share our discussion with Engle about Your Heart My Sky—and an exclusive excerpt from the book.

How did you feel when you saw the cover of Your Heart, My Sky for the first time?
When I first saw this cover, I was thrilled by the expressions on the characters’ faces. They are people I felt I knew so well, and the illustrator captured their wistfulness as well as their hopes. Struggling to survive in a time of unexpected hardships, they remind me of the entire world now, with our own wistfulness for the innocence of a few months ago and our desperate need to remain hopeful. The colors are perfect, too, so tropical and yet gentle. The abundance of fruit makes me aware of the characters’ imaginations. It’s magic realism, a true Caribbean reality.

Your Heart, My Sky takes place during a period in Cuban history commonly referred to as “the special period,” an economic crisis that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union, lasted nearly a decade and had an enormous negative impact on the everyday lives of Cubans. What initially drew you to the idea of setting a story in this period?
I returned to Cuba in 1991, after a 31-year absence. The drastic hunger shocked and saddened me. I experienced the surreal survivor’s guilt of possessing a U.S. passport that would allow me to leave, escaping the near-starvation that my cousins were forced to endure. I spent the ’90s traveling often, carrying suitcases filled with food, vitamins and medicine. I wrote about el período especial at that time, but I discovered that most adult readers in the U.S. weren’t interested or didn’t believe me. So now I’ve written about it again, hoping that young readers will be more empathetic and compassionate.

Like many of your books, Your Heart, My Sky is a novel written in verse. Could you recommend some of your favorite poets or poetry titles for readers to explore while they wait for your new book to be published?
A few of the YA verse novelists I admire most are Elizabeth Acevedo, Jacqueline Woodson, Padma Venkatraman and Nikki Grimes. I also hope readers will also give my verse memoirs a try, if they’re interested in my personal experience with Cuban history. Enchanted Air is a verse memoir about my childhood and early teen years, while Soaring Earth is the high school/college companion book.


The tall boy who gazes at me
is even skinnier than the rest of us.

He’s skeletal but appealing
in a days-on-earth-are-numbered
sort of way.

He must be courageous
to skip la escuela al campo!

As soon as that admiring thought
flashes across my mind, I realize that
I’m brave too.

Sometimes it takes a clear view
          of someone else
before I can see my own
          unexpected self.



The girl’s curious eyes make me want
to go home and look at myself
in an effort to see what she perceives:
Bones barely concealed
by skin, my face the same deep brown
as this old mirror’s scratched
mahogany frame.

The girl has no way to know that I crave
so much more than food—I need freedom
to speak out, demanding my right
to reject silence.

My older brother is already in prison
for the same crime that I plan to commit—
evading the draft by staying away on the day
when I’m ordered to report for military duty.

Our grandfather fought in Bolivia,
our father in Nicaragua and Angola,
enough bloodshed to leave both of us
unwilling to join future battles.

I glare at the mirror.
Wavy patches.
Blurry streaks.
As if I’m already
fading away
in a prison cell.

What if I don’t have the courage
to keep the pact that I made with my brother,
speaking up, explaining to the government
why we need to choose peace?

But this country is not at war right now,
unless you count our constant struggle
against hunger.

Maybe I should let myself be trained to kill,
become a soldier, gun-wielding, violent,
a dangerous stranger, no longer



The dog and I crouch,
watching ourselves
in a shallow tide pool,
shimmery bronze faces
rippling as we hover
above pink anemones
and purple sea urchins.

We gobble
odd-shaped creatures
raw, then glance
at ourselves again,
the dog’s hair short and straight,
mine long, wet, and twining
in dark ringlets like tendrils or seaweed.

Our eyes resemble four sleek black planets
floating in the tide pool’s
miniature galaxy.

Do canines understand mirror images,
or can they only recognize themselves
by smell?

I’ll never know, unless I learn
the ancient language of dog songs.

After a while, we rise and climb
the steep, brightly flowered hills of town,
passing old houses with climbing vines
that enclose wide-open windows and doors,
an invitation for the sea breeze, doves,
butterflies, wasps,
perhaps also thieves. . . .

At home in my kitchen,
I check the refrigerator,
finding it empty as usual.

No electricity either.
Just invisible


The singing dog

If he can somehow manage to urge them
toward each other, then neither one will feel
so completely alone, and his unusual instincts
tell him that these two are so perfectly
right for each other that if he fails
to meet his natural goal they will wander
like detached spirits, souls just as starved
as bodies. . . .

The last time a singing dog worked at matchmaking
was in the human year 1519, when a violent pirate
named Hernán Cortés had stolen a ship and anchored
on the island’s southern shore,
recruiting all the Spanish men
of Trinidad de Cuba as soldiers,
then seizing all the native Ciboney Taíno men
as enslaved porters for an expedition
of slaughter and conquest, across the western sea
in Aztlán, land of Moctezuma, ruler of Tenochtitlán.

Only women, children, and singing dogs
were left behind in the village of Trinidad,
along with one guard and one prisoner,
a pacifist called Uría, half Ciboney
and half Canary Islander, a poetic scribe
who loved to write
and refused to fight.

A singing dog led a Ciboney girl called Arima
to the little prison, where she freed Uría,
then helped him escape, and showed him
how to thrive in el monte, wild mountains,
dense jungle, her home.

Now this new boy called Amado is peaceful like Uría,
and the girl named Liana is brave like Arima,
so the modern dog’s task is clear—
just guide these two young people until
they accept each other’s companionship.
Some matches are simply
meant to be.

If you lived in another time and place,
you might think of the singing dog as a winged thing:
A guardian
who specializes
in love.

Author photo by Marshall W. Johnson

Acclaimed author Margarita Engle's forthcoming young adult novel, Your Heart My Sky, is the story of two teens who fall in love while struggling to survive during one of the darkest periods in Cuban history. We’re thrilled to share our discussion with Engle about Your Heart My Sky as we reveal its cover and an exclusive excerpt.

As you might guess from the title, bestselling author Renée Watson's next YA novel, Love Is a Revolution, is a love story—about loving another person, loving your community and, above all, loving yourself. Watson’s 2017 YA novel, Piecing Me Together, received a Newbery Honor and a Coretta Scott King Award. Her picture book Harlem's Little Blackbird was nominated for an NAACP Image Award.

Here's the official synopsis of Love Is a Revolution from Bloomsbury, Watson's publisher:

When Nala Robertson reluctantly agrees to attend an open mic night for her cousin-sister-friend Imani’s birthday, she finds herself falling in instant love with Tye Brown, the emcee. He’​s perfect, except . . . Tye is an activist and is spending the summer organizing events for the community when Nala would rather watch movies and try out the new seasonal flavors at the local creamery. In order to impress Tye, Nala tells a few tiny lies to have enough in common with him. As they spend more time together, sharing more of themselves, some of those lies get harder to keep up. As Nala falls deeper into her lies and into love, she’ll learn all the ways love is hard and how self-love is revolutionary.

In Love Is a Revolution, plus-size girls are beautiful and catch the attention of hot guys, the popular girl clique celebrates strong friendships between women, and the ultimate love story is not just about romance, but showing radical love to the people in your life—including to yourself.

Pick up Love Is a Revolution from your local bookstore or library on February 2, 2021! In the meantime, you can see its stunning cover, which was illustrated by Alex Cabal, designed by Jeanette Levy and art-directed by Donna Mark, and read a Q&A with Watson and an exclusive excerpt of the book.

How did you feel when you saw the final cover of Love Is a Revolution for the first time?
The cover took my breath away. I love everything about it: Nala’s bold stance, the expression on her face, the brown lipstick, the bright yellow shirt, even her nail polish and bangle bracelets. Every detail was intentional, and I’m very proud of it. I appreciate my editor, Sarah Shumway, who always invites my input and feedback when it comes to covers. So many times in literature, big bodies are erased or portrayed in defeated, downtrodden ways. I am intentional about having girls with big bodies on covers who are happy, content and fashionable. I truly believe that representation matters, and that includes body diversity as well.

Alex Cabal’s art is always vibrant and striking. She did the U.K. edition of What Momma Left Me, and I was thrilled to work with her again for Love is a Revolution.

Could you give us a little introduction to Nala and share where she’s at when readers meet her? What do you hope readers will love about her? Are there any pieces of you in her?
Readers meet Nala right when she’s at the crossroads of figuring out what activism means to her and how she’s going to show up in the world. She’s pretty confident and sure of herself, but still, there are moments when she feels insecure because she fears that she is not “woke” enough. She’s certainly an imperfect character—she exaggerates (and flat-out lies) to get the attention of a boy she has a crush on. She also loves her family fiercely, and I hope readers enjoy her sense of humor and her bold personality.

My temperament is very different from Nala’s, but one thing I do have in common with her is being Jamaican. I’m really excited to share this part of my Jamaican heritage in a book. It’s the first time I’ve written about a Jamaican American family.

Throughout the book, Nala talks about a (fictional) singer she loves. The song lyrics are in the novel, and they are all about loving your body, loving yourself. The lyrics really inspire Nala, and I hope readers are empowered by them, too.

There’s such a need for stories of Black joy. What joys do you hope Love Is a Revolution represents to readers?
Nala understands that while it’s necessary to bring awareness to social issues, it’s equally important to spend quality time with loved ones, to enjoy simple things like listening to your favorite song on repeat or indulging in your favorite dessert. Harlem is the perfect backdrop for this summertime love story, and I really enjoyed the scenes where Nala is carefree, roaming the streets of her neighborhood and hanging out with friends. Even with all that’s happening in our nation with conversations about equity and anti-Blackness, Black youth are still living their everyday lives, still laughing, still dancing, still loving, and I wanted that represented on the page.

Love is a revolution. What an awesome, powerful statement to choose for the title of a book! How did you arrive at it? How does it reflect what you hope readers experience when they read the book?
There’s a scene when Nala’s grandmother tells her, “The most radical thing you can do is love yourself and each other.” After I wrote that sentence, the title came to me. I think the word love gets used so much that we forget how heavy of a word it is, how serious and hard it is. Love is patient, generous, forgiving. It’s not easy to be patient, generous or forgiving. The definition of revolution is “a sudden, radical, or complete change, a fundamental change in the way of thinking about something.” Love—true love, of self, family, neighborhood, romantic partner—changes you, pushes you to be better. Practicing that kind of love will bring about the change so many of us want in our daily lives. That concept is at the heart of the novel.

Imani walks over to us and sits next to me, in the middle of her birthday crew. The lights dim even more, and once it is completely blacked out, there is cheering and clapping. The stage lights are too dark at first, so I can’t really see the person talking. “Good evening, everyone. We’re here tonight to remember Harlem, to honor Harlem, to critique Harlem, to love Harlem . . . we’re here tonight to Inspire Harlem.”

There are shouts and whistles and so much clapping.

Then, finally, the lights rise.

And I see him.

“My name is Tye Brown, and I will be your host for the evening.” While everyone is still clapping, he says, “Tonight’s going to be a special night,” and then I swear he looks at me and says, “Sit back and enjoy.” I almost yell out I will! Oh, I will! but I keep it together and settle into my seat.

I whisper to Imani, “Who is he? I’ve never seen him before.”

“Tye. He’s new,” she says.

And I turn to Sadie and whisper, “I mean, if I had known guys like that were a part of this, maybe I would have joined too.”

Sadie laughs.

“Shh!” Imani scolds us.

I sit back, give my full attention to Tye. He explains what Inspire Harlem is and talks us through how the night will go. Then, his voice gets serious and he says, “Singer and activist Nina Simone said, ‘It’s an artist’s duty to reflect the times in which we live.’ This isn’t your typical talent show. Each act has thought about the message in their art, the mission behind their performance.”

A few people clap when he says this.

“This is a supportive, brave space—please only show love for everyone who has the courage to come to the stage,” Tye says. And then, he smiles the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen and says, “Let’s begin.”

I don’t believe in love at first sight. I don’t even know if I believe that there’s such a thing as a soul mate or one true love. But right now, in this moment, I am ready to profess my love for Tye Brown.

OK, fine, I don’t really love him. I don’t know him (yet), but there are some things I know about him in just the first 30 minutes of the talent show and those things, I love.

3 Things I Already Love about Tye Brown

1. I love his dark skin. The way his white shirt contrasts against his deep brown complexion. I love his style. How his shirt has the letters B L A C K across his chest, making him a living poem.

2. I love the way his deep voice bellows out, filling up the space, how his voice is electric shock waves when he needs to amp up the crowd, how it is a warm hug when he welcomes each person to the stage.

3. I love that when the fourth person gets choked up with tears because he can’t remember the lyrics to his rap, Tye comes from back stage and stands next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. I love how they just stand there for a whole minute and the audience is silent, how Tye asks, “Do you want to start over?” I love how Tye stands there while the boy performs, never leaving his side, bobbing his head and moving to the beat.

Yeah, those are the things I love about Tye. It was definitely worth coming out in the rain tonight.

The next person up is a girl named Gabby. Her hair is pulled back in a neat ponytail, and I can’t tell if the glasses she is wearing are for necessity or fashion. She sings a song she wrote just for this event, and that alone should make her the winner. I feel sorry for the people coming after her.

The next performance is a group of steppers. They have the crowed hyped. By the time they are done, I think maybe they might beat Gabby. But if they do, it’ll be close. I completely tune out during the next act. A girl is singing some type of Heal-the-World song, and I am bored and barely listening to her. It’s not that she can’t sing—the song is just corny. To me anyway. All I am thinking about is when will Tye be coming back to the stage. But once the girl stops singing, the lights come up for a short intermission.

Most people rush to the bathrooms. I walk over to the snack table—I want to get something to drink and also, I see that Tye is standing over there. I am trying to think of something to say to him, but I can’t even get my mouth to open. Up close he is even more handsome and now I can smell his cologne. I just want to run away and look at him from across the room.

“Enjoying the show?” Tye asks. He is talking to me. To me.

“Um, yes, I—I’m really, yes, I’m enjoying it.” Get it together, Nala Robertson. Come on.

“Are you new to Inspire Harlem?”

“Oh, no. I’m not a part of it. Hi, I’m Nala. Imani is my cousin. She invited me.”

“Oh, Imani? That’s my girl. I’m Tye.” He shakes my hand, which I think is kind of formal, but holding his hand feels like holding silk and I want to hold on to him and never let him go. Tye lets go and fills his water bottle. He takes a long drink.

Say something, Nala. Say something. “Inspire Harlem is a great program. Imani really likes being in it.”

“Yeah. I love it so far. I’m excited about what we’ve planned for this summer. Did Imani tell you about it?”

“No,” I say. But of course she did. I just want to keep talking to him.

“All summer long we’ll be having awareness events—I’m the team leader for our community block party. You should come,” Tye says. I have never heard someone sound so excited about a community service project. Tye steps away from the table because we’re holding the line up. I realize I don’t even have anything in my hand, no water or plate of veggies and dip to play it off like I didn’t just come over here to talk with him. “What about you? What are you up to this summer?” he asks.

“Oh, I’m, um, I’m . . . I volunteer for an organization that offers activities for elderly people in the neighborhood. We do, um, like arts and crafts stuff with them—nothing super important or at the magnitude of Inspire Harlem,” I say. He doesn’t need to know that really, I am just talking about the one time last month when I spent the day at Grandma’s helping her put a puzzle together.

“That’s great that you’re doing that,” Tye says.

“Yeah, some of them don’t have family that come visit and just need to get out of their apartments and do something. We do all kinds of activities with them.”

“Like what?”

“Um, well, like I mentioned, arts and crafts . . . um, knitting. We also have story time, not like kindergarten story time, but I read novels to them and sometimes we just play games and build puzzles.”

All of this is a true-lie.

I’ve done these things with Grandma and her friends. Just not with a formal group of people or with an organization. But I had to say something. I mean, I couldn’t tell him that I’m spending my summer watching Netflix and trying out the summer flavors of ice cream at Sugar Hill Creamery.

Ms. Lori, the director of Inspire Harem, walks over to us. “Tye, we’re just about ready to start the second half,” she says. “Five minutes.”

“Okay.” Tye refills his water bottle one more time. “Nice to meet you, Nala,” he says.

Author photo by Shawnte Sims. Excerpt from Love Is a Revolution used with permission of Bloomsbury Publishing.

Bestselling author Renée Watson's forthcoming YA novel, Love Is a Revolution, is a love story about loving another person, loving your community and loving yourself. We're thrilled to share our discussion with Watson about Love Is a Revolution as we reveal its cover and an exclusive excerpt.

Readers have waited patiently to return to the fantastical world of Kristin Cashore's bestselling Graceling Realm books. Cashore introduced the world of the Seven Kingdoms in 2008's William C. Morris Award finalist, Graceling. The tales continued with Fire in 2009 and moved to the neighboring kingdom of Monsea with 2012's Bitterblue. In January 2021, readers can finally make their long-awaited return to the Graceling Realm with the publication of Winterkeep.

Here's the official synopsis of Winterkeep from Dial, Cashore's publisher:

For the past five years, Bitterblue has reigned as Queen of Monsea, heroically rebuilding her nation after her father’s horrific rule. After learning about the land of Torla in the east, she sends envoys to the closest nation there: Winterkeep—a place where telepathic foxes bond with humans, and people fly across the sky in wondrous airships. But when the envoys never return, having drowned under suspicious circumstances, Bitterblue sets off for Winterkeep herself, along with her spy Hava and her trusted colleague Giddon. On the way, tragedy strikes again—a tragedy with devastating political and personal ramifications. Meanwhile, in Winterkeep, Lovisa Cavenda waits and watches, a fire inside her that is always hungry. The teenage daughter of two powerful politicians, she is the key to unlocking everything—but only if she’s willing to transcend the person she’s been all her life.

Pick up a copy of Winterkeep from your local bookstore or library on January 19, 2021! In the meantime, scroll down to see the exquisite cover of Winterkeep, which was illustrated by Kuri Huang and designed by Theresa Evangelista and Jessica Jenkins. We're also thrilled to share the gorgeous new covers for each of the Graceling Realm tales, as well as our discussion with Cashore and an exclusive excerpt from Winterkeep.

How did you feel when you saw the cover for Winterkeep and the redesigned covers for the previous Graceling Realm novels for the first time?
I was blown away. The artist, Kuri Huang, creates images of such color and depth. It was a fascinating process, too, because with the way the artist works, we saw early sketches that turned into rough color representations, then eventually led to the gorgeous, detailed, layered images that you see now. So in the beginning, I wasn't sure where it was going. It was exciting to watch it go to such a beautiful place! I couldn't be happier.

Winterkeep features a person of color on the cover. What does this mean to you? What do you hope it will mean to readers?
Winterkeep is told in multiple perspectives, including those of characters from my previous books and some new characters, too. Arguably the most central character, the person at the heart of the book, is a young woman named Lovisa Cavenda, who's a student at the Winterkeep Academy and the daughter of Keepish politicians. Like most people in Winterkeep, Lovisa has brown skin and dark hair and eyes. And since our conceit with these new covers is to show a main character on the cover, Lovisa was the obvious choice. It was important to me that the woman on the cover look and feel like Lovisa! It wouldn't have made sense to represent her any other way. I hope readers agree.

I couldn’t help but notice that Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue (and your stand-alone novel, Jane, Unlimited, for that matter) are all essentially named after their protagonists, whereas Winterkeep seems to be titled after its setting rather than after a person. Does this reflect a change in the lens of the story? Is Winterkeep the story of a place rather than of a person?
Titles are always so tricky! Since this book, unlike my previous books, is told in multiple perspectives, it didn't feel entirely right to try to name it after one character. The other titles in the series are each a single word with a fantasy-ish feel, so after a lot of consideration, Winterkeep felt like the best choice. We also considered Winter Keeper, which would have brought it back to the idea of character, but it was a little vague, and it broke our one-word tradition. So we went with Winterkeep. (I spent an entire writing retreat with friends years ago agonizing over what the place should be called, even creating a whiteboard with options, but that's a whole other story!)

Winterkeep is a land my readers won't have seen before, wintry and beautiful, with an elected government, airships, telepathic foxes and powerful fuels that are creating an environmental crisis. And while I suppose on some level, Winterkeep is the story of a place, really it's the story of people, just like all my other books. I tend to write pretty character-driven books. I'd say it's the story of families and friends, working to figure out how to take care of each other and the earth.

I hear that you’re a fan of wintry settings but not of winter itself. Could you share a few of your favorite literary winters and what you love about them?
There are some passages in the Kingdom Books by Cynthia Voigt that broke my heart open with their winter imagery. I think I've been drawn to those settings ever since! There's something so delicious about reading a book that has all the atmosphere of winter, snow and harsh beauty, wanting to be a part of that story but not really. Wanting to imagine being a part of that story, while in fact you're comfortable and cozy inside. I suspect that some of my childhood wintry reads, like Anne of Green Gables and Little Women, also worked on my heart this way. As I was writing Winterkeep, I had the great good fortune to participate in an artist retreat on a tall ship in the Arctic Ocean for two weeks, sailing around the coast of Svalbard. The landscape entered my heart in the same way, like a little seed of magic taking root. I don't think Winterkeep is my last wintry book!


Giddon was carrying a sleeping child through a rocky tunnel when he got his first clue that something was wrong in Winterkeep.

The child’s name was Selie, she was 8, and she was not small. In fact, Giddon was starting to wonder if she was growing while he carried her. Surely she was objectively heavier now than she’d been when she’d held her arms up to him two hours ago, a gesture that hadn’t surprised him, for the children always wanted Giddon to carry them through the tunnels. He was bigger, more interesting and less anxious than their parents, or so the children thought. Giddon was actually quite anxious during these missions for the Council, these smuggling journeys through the tunnels from Estill to Monsea, but he buried his worries deep, where they couldn’t reach his eyes or his voice. It was more helpful to seem calm and reassuring.

So he carried Selie calmly, with exhausted shoulders and dead arms, wading through streams, trying to measure the fatigue in the drawn, white faces of her family, stepping carefully from rock to crevice to stone on an uneven path lit by the lantern of Selie’s older sister, Ranie, who, at 19, kept giving Giddon sly, flirtatious glances. He was used to this, too, on these missions. He’d gotten in the habit of mentioning his beloved girlfriend frequently in conversation. Giddon didn’t have a girlfriend. It was another thing he pretended, to keep things simpler.

He put up a hand to stop Selie’s head from lolling. Children are bizarrely flexible, thought Giddon. Sometimes it seemed like her head would roll right off her body and plop onto the rocks. And Selie was the reason for this journey through the tunnels to Monsea, for she was a Graceling, Graced with mind reading. In Estill, Gracelings were the property of the new government, which exploited their special abilities however it saw fit. There were all kinds of Graces, ranging from skills as banal as imitating bird calls to more useful capacities such as speed on foot, predicting the weather, fighting, mental manipulation or mind reading. In Monsea, where Queen Bitterblue made the rules, Gracelings were free.

The Council—which had no other official name, just the Council—was a secret international group of spies, rescuers, fighters, plotters and consultants, headed by Giddon and a few of his friends—Raffin, Bann, Katsa, Po—that came to the aid of anyone anywhere in the Seven Nations suffering unjustly under the rule of law. The Council had started small some 14 or 15 years ago—Katsa had started it—but now its reach was vast.

Giddon and his friends had, in fact, assisted the Estillans with the coup of their corrupt king. But then the makeshift republic that had taken the place of Estill’s monarchy had turned out to be more militarized than the Council had anticipated. And the Council never held with governments owning Gracelings.

So here Giddon was, secretly sneaking Gracelings away from the Estillan government he’d helped to establish. Trying to avoid the Estillan soldiers armed with swords and bows who had begun patrolling the Estillan forests recently, asking for the identification of anyone they met.

Giddon’s sword was heavy at his side. He found some strength to hold Selie tighter, in case she was cold. It was early May and frigid underground. A steady trickle from a hidden ledge above had been plaguing them for the last 20 minutes, and Giddon had found it hard to keep the child’s hat and scarf dry. Some two hours from now, the path would change, turn into the steady, downhill slope that would deliver them gently to the forests outside Bitterblue City. And Giddon would bring this family to the Council allies in Monsea who were awaiting them, then return himself to Bitterblue’s court. Fall into bed, sleep for a year. Then go find Bitterblue.

“Did my father remember to give you that message?” Ranie said to Giddon, speaking so quietly that he had to move closer to her, lean in.

“What message?” he said, liking, despite himself, the way voices rumbled through these tunnels, turning into whispers, like the trickling water.

“Papa?” said Ranie, turning back to speak to the balding man who plodded along resolutely behind them, a sleeping baby strapped to his front. Beside him, his wife marched with an expression on her face like she would walk forever, if that’s what it took. It was an exhausted but determined sort of expression that Giddon recognized. He suspected she was walking on blistered feet. Parents did heroic things for their children.

“Papa, didn’t you have a message for Giddon?” said Ranie.

“Oh, yes,” said the man, blinking as if waking, then seeming startled by the volume of his own voice. The tunnels could do that, lull you into a sense of being inside yourself. Conversation could seem like violence.

“It’s a message about those two Monseans whose ship went down in Winterkeep,” said the man. “You know about that ship, the Seashell?”

Giddon suddenly saw Queen Bitterblue at the door to his rooms, clutching a letter, her tear-strewn face upturned to him. Bitterblue’s envoy to Winterkeep, Mikka, and one of her advisers, Brek, had died in that shipwreck on the other side of the world. And it had been an accident—Giddon had assured her over and over, hugging her in his doorway—but still, she’d blamed herself, for she’d been the one who’d sent those men away, to a death so far from home.

“Yes,” Giddon said grimly. “I know about the drowned Monseans.”

“I’m supposed to tell you that they had some news about something called zilfium.”

“News about zilfium?” said Giddon, who found this message rather opaque. Zilfium, to the best of his memory, was a kind of fuel that was important in Winterkeep, but he couldn’t remember why. “What news?”

“I don’t know,” said the man. “I only know that they wanted to tell Queen Bitterblue some news about zilfium, but then they went sailing that day and drowned. So the queen should learn what she can about zilfium.”

“Who told you to tell me this?” said Giddon.

“The man who brought us to the start of the tunnels, where you met us,” he said. “Bann, the one who’s the consort of Prince Raffin of the Middluns. He said he had it from Prince Raffin, who had it from a letter one of the Monseans wrote to him before he drowned.”

Council messages were often passed like this—from mouth to mouth. “Did Bann give you anything for me in writing?”

“No, nothing,” said the man. “Only what I’ve said: that before that ship went down, the Monseans had wanted to tell Queen Bitterblue some news about zilfium, so maybe Queen Bitterblue should look into zilfium.”

This message was intensely annoying, and Giddon didn’t think it was merely because he was wet and exhausted and carrying a child made of lead. One, he didn’t understand it. Two, he suspected some part of it was missing. And three, the reminder of her dead men was probably going to make Bitterblue cry.

Ranie was walking close to him again and speaking so quietly that he had to bend down to her. He began to wonder if she might be doing this on purpose.

“What’s zilfium, Giddon?” she asked.

A stream of icy water hit the back of his neck. “I’m not sure,” he said crossly.

“She is doing it on purpose,” said Selie sleepily in his ear, making him jump. He’d been sure the child was asleep.

“Doing what?” he said, somehow finding this to be the most aggravating thing yet. Mind readers!

“Ranie’s talking in a low voice so you’ll get close to her,” Selie whispered, too quietly for anyone else to hear. “Also, I know your girlfriend is imaginary.”

“Oh? And do you know you’re as heavy as a horse?”

Selie was giggling. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “I won’t tell.”

Kristin Cashore returns to the world of her bestselling Graceling Realm novels with Winterkeep. We're thrilled to share our discussion with Cashore about Winterkeep as we reveal its cover and an exclusive excerpt.

Nicole Melleby debuted on the children's literature scene in 2019 with her acclaimed middle grade novel, Hurricane Season, a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Now we're thrilled to reveal the cover of her next book, How to Become a Planet, a heart-wrenching yet joy-filled story about the summer that changes everything for a girl named Pluto.

Here’s the official synopsis of How to Become a Planet from Algonquin, Melleby’s publisher:

For Pluto, summer has always started with a trip to the planetarium. It’s the launch to her favorite season, which also includes visits to the boardwalk arcade, working in her mom’s pizzeria and her best friend Meredith’s birthday party. But this summer, none of that feels possible.

A month before the end of the school year, Pluto’s frightened mom broke down Pluto’s bedroom door. What came next were doctor’s appointments, a diagnosis of depression and a big black hole that still sits on Pluto’s chest, making it too hard to do anything. Pluto can’t explain to her mom why she can’t do the things she used to love. And it isn’t until Pluto’s dad threatens to make her move with him to the city—where he believes his money, in particular, could help—that Pluto becomes desperate enough to do whatever it takes to be the old Pluto again.

She develops a plan and a checklist: If she takes her medication, if she goes to the planetarium with her mom for her birthday, if she successfully finishes her summer school work with her tutor, if she goes to Meredith’s birthday party . . . if she does all the things that “normal” Pluto would do, she can stay with her mom in Jersey. But it takes a new therapist, a new tutor, and a new (and cute) friend with a checklist and plan of her own for Pluto to learn that there is no old and new Pluto. There’s just her.

Pick up a copy of How to Become a Planet from your local bookstore or library on May 25, 2021. In the meantime, you can see the incredible cover of How to Become a Planet, which was created by David Curtis, and read a Q&A with Melleby and an exclusive excerpt from the book. Just scroll down!

What was it like to see finished cover of How to Become a Planet for the first time?
First and foremost, I have never been so excited to have the letter O in my name before! David's art is stunning; the first time I saw the cover I didn't even know where to look first. The colors, the planets, Pluto-as-Pluto! This is probably the smallest thing, but I also immediately was drawn to Pluto's little flipflops and the way her toe is curved to hold it on her foot! I seriously couldn't have asked for a better cover. It's gorgeous and absolutely something that would have pulled me to a book when I was young and browsing the shelves at a bookstore.

Was How to Become a Planet the working title of this novel all the way through the creative process for you?
This was the first of the three of my published books for which the working title actually ended up being the finished title, and it came about in kind of a boring but amusing way: When I started writing Pluto's story, I knew that I wanted the main character to have depression, and I knew that I wanted her name to be Pluto. When I was a kid, Pluto-the-planet was still a planet, and while I knew it's not considered one anymore, I didn't really know why, so I Googled it to find out. I typed into the search bar: "How to become a planet." It all kind of clicked into place from there.

Like your previous books, Hurricane Season and In the Role of Brie Hutchens, How to Become a Planet is rooted in the experience of an authentic and nuanced female protagonist. Could you introduce us to Pluto and where she's at when readers meet her? Are there any pieces of you in here?
At the start of the novel, Pluto has just gotten a diagnosis for depression and anxiety. The summer is just beginning, but she hasn't been to school in over a month; she hasn't been texting with her friends in just as long; she's pretty much shut herself down. Now that it's summer—and her mom has a pizzeria on the boardwalk to run, and Pluto is now on medication—her mom isn't letting her isolate herself anymore. It's a struggle for them both, and Pluto can't help but compare how last summer (and all the summers before it) started and felt with how it feels now. And she feels kind of helpless because of it; she doesn't know how to be her old self again.

My second book, In the Role of Brie Hutchens, was probably my most personal book: I put a lot of myself into Brie, which is always challenging and hits different emotionally while writing. While I can absolutely empathize with Pluto, and while I wanted to explore summer from a Jersey beach kid's perspective (which was my life growing up), Pluto-the-person is very different, personality-wise, from me. She makes choices I wouldn't; she's gentle in ways I'm, well, not; and I've never been a big science buff (I actually had to do a LOT of astronomy research for this book!).

What are some things you love about writing middle grade books and writing for middle-grade readers?
I write very purposely about mental illness and LGBTQ+ characters, and I love being able to connect with my middle-grade readers about that. I think that, with mental illness especially, people tend to treat it like an adult issue, but it's not, and I want my readers (and my LGBTQ+ readers especially) to know that I see them and that they aren't alone. I've done school visits where kids come right up to me, open and honest in ways I couldn't imagine at that age, and they tell me exactly what it is they love about my work—why it's important to them. And while I will always say yes, I write books for the kid I used to be, I mostly write books for the kids who need them now—who need much different things than I did and who are so, so excited that there's a place for them on the shelves.

As a fellow self-avowed Jersey girl, I have to ask you about the New Jersey-ness of Pluto's story. What are some things you love about New Jersey that people who've never lived or visited there might not know about? How do they manifest in How to Become a Planet?
There was a poem in the Asbury Park Press about growing up on the Jersey shore that I heard when I was a kid that started with the line, "Beach kids feel no pain. . . ." that's always stuck with me. Obviously that's not true—we felt pain, all of us—but there was still something so magical about spending our days at the water.

I think people tend to think about two things when they hear Jersey Shore: Snooki and the rest of the MTV crew, and the tourist-heavy fancy beaches people drive down to on the weekends between Memorial Day and Labor Day. For us, though, the beaches were—are—home. The Keansburg boardwalk, where Pluto's mom's pizzeria is, was where I went to countless birthday parties, just like Pluto and her best friend Meredith. My dad's first job was at the Olde Heidelberg hot dog joint, which I name-dropped in the book, because it's still there!

That feeling of being a beach kid in the summer is what I wanted for Pluto—even if she can't experience it like she used to, the beach is still home. I think it'll always feel that way for me, too.

Chapter Two

When it finally came after 180 long days, the first day of summer break didn’t matter to Pluto. The countdown she’d made with Meredith still read 34 Days Until Freedom!!! because Pluto hadn’t been to school in over a month. She hadn’t had to worry about end-of-the-year pool parties, or endless have a great summers, or Meredith begging her to just be her friend again.

And, finally, she didn’t need to worry about school calling home, asking where she was, asking when she was coming, making her mom’s voice tremble as she spoke into the phone, “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know what to do, either.”

Instead, what Pluto did have to worry about was that her mom was already out of the shower, shuffling around in the bathroom they shared, nearly ready to start the day. The hall light was on, bleeding into Pluto’s bedroom, making the thick purple curtains that blocked out the morning sun null and void. If she had a bedroom door, she would close it to block out the light and the sound of her mom as she hummed while she got dressed.

But Pluto did not have a bedroom door, and hadn’t had a bedroom door for a little over a month now.

Her mom stuck her head in the doorway. “Hey, Shooting Star,” she said, words mumbled as she spoke around the toothbrush in her mouth. “You’re with me today, kid, so start making some moves.”

Pluto and her mom both knew she would not be “making some moves.” Pluto resented the fact her mom even suggested it, that her mom went about her morning as if nothing had changed inside Pluto, as if an endless month in bed could suddenly come to a stop without trouble.

When she didn’t move: “Plu, I’m serious.” As if that made a difference.

Pluto was serious, too. She needed to stay in bed, under her thick purple blanket covered in white little stars. Her mom had picked out the bed set the moment Pluto outgrew the small wooden crib with the solar system mobile. The blanket was warm, and it was soft, and it was not something she was willing that morning, or any other, to give up.

The bed shifted as her mom climbed in, smelling like the Taylor Swift perfume Pluto had bought her for Christmas last year. Her mom’s arms wrapped around Pluto’s middle, holding her close against the scratchy fabric of one of the low-cut tops her mom always wore that Pluto hated. Her mom’s breath tickled her ear. “I don’t want to pay for a sitter, Pluto. I want you to come with me.”

Pluto felt a familiar feeling rise from her stomach up into her throat, one that made her want to scream and cry and argue, if only she weren’t so tired. Tears came anyway. Twelve-year-olds couldn’t stay in bed all day on their own, no matter how much they might need to. If she was older, an adult, she would stay in bed and no one could force her to do anything, a fixed planet around which everything else moved while she ignored it. But for now, Pluto was the moon and her mom was the planet she was forced to orbit.

Even if that meant being pulled out of bed, every inch of her silently protesting, while an invisible rubber band that kept her body strapped down was yanked taut as her mom tugged her into sitting. “There’s my girl,” she said, as Pluto blinked at her slowly. Her mom’s eyes were gray, like clouds during a rainstorm, and while they were always so gentle when they looked at Pluto, they hadn’t wrinkled at the corners with a genuine smile in what felt like forever. That, though, was comforting, because Pluto could not remember the last time she really smiled, either.

“Get dressed,” her mom said simply, as if she wasn’t asking her to do something that required a Herculean effort on Pluto’s part. “I’ll go make you something to eat. It’s the first day of summer, Plu. It’s time to start having fun again.”

She left Pluto alone to fight the urge to curl into herself and sleep. Standing hurt. Looking over at the Challenger book still placed on her desk with the ripped spine hurt. She picked it up, and the cover and first handful of pages slid away from the rest. Even broken, it was heavy in her hand, which was heavy on her arm, which was heavy on her shoulder. Gravity, it seemed, was extra hard on Pluto.

In fairness, gravity had been harder on the Challenger. The shuttle had fallen from the sky before it was even close to orbit. It all happened so quickly, the smoke and the explosion and the destruction. Pluto often wondered about what that moment had been like, the one after everything was okay, but before everything was not okay, where the Challenger and the seven lives on it were somewhere in between, not okay but not not okay.

Pluto called the Hayden Planetarium Astronomy Question and Answer Hotline to ask, once. After a brief moment of absolute silence, the voice on the other end of the phone quickly launched into a detailed account of all the mechanics of why the Challenger didn’t have a successful takeoff, which didn’t answer Pluto’s question at all.

She placed the broken book back on her desk and reached for her phone instead, the one she got for her 10th birthday “just for emergencies” but mostly used to download podcasts and, at the time, text back and forth with Meredith.

There was a notification that one of her favorite astronomy podcasts had a new episode about meteoroids, comets and asteroids waiting to download.

Pluto knew a lot about meteoroids, comets and asteroids already. She knew that when objects speed into Earth’s atmosphere, the heat produces a streak of light from the trail of particles they leave in their wake.

She looked over at her bedroom wall, at the little white specks left in the gray paint from where she’d yanked off the plastic stars one by one a month ago, hearing her favorite podcast narrator in her head: Like an asteroid, Pluto Jean Timoney leaves a trail of her own destruction in her wake.

“Pluto!” her mom called. “Don’t forget your meds!”

The little orange bottles sat right on top of her desk, next to the broken book. Take 1 with food. Take ½ in the morning. Take 1 as needed.

Depression and anxiety. Two words. One brand-new diagnosis.

Author photo courtesy of Elizabeth Welch.

Nicole Melleby debuted on the children's literature scene in 2019 with her acclaimed middle grade novel, Hurricane Season, a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Now we're thrilled to reveal the cover of her next book, How to Become a Planet, a heart-wrenching yet joy-filled story about the summer that changes everything for a girl named Pluto. […]

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